Filtering by Task Properties

Use these options to filter out tasks according to their properties.

Filter Criterion Description
Task Name

Use this option if you know the name or part of the name of the tasks you are searching for.

ClosedTo Filter by Task Name

  1. Enter the name or part of the name of the tasks you are searching for.
  2. Optionally, activate the Exclude checkbox. This results in the list of tasks that do not contain the string you have entered.
  3. Click the Filter button at the bottom of the pane.


The following two tasks are available on your task list: JSCH.DATAWAREHOUSE and DATAWH_SCHEDULES.

If you enter just DATA, both tasks are found and displayed:

Click to Expand

Task Alias

The alias is the alternative name that a task can be given when it is part of a workflow or when processing it using the Execute Once option. If defined, the alias is displayed on the task instead of its name. For example:

Click to Expand

ClosedTo Filter by Task Alias

  1. Enter the alias the tasks you are searching for.
  2. Click the Filter button at the bottom of the pane.
Task Type

Use this option to restrict the list of tasks to one or more task types.

Special Case: Events

Event objects are mostly in Sleeping status. They are triggered either when the intervals or conditions defined in the Event object apply. As long as they are being processed, they are displayed in the Tasks list with status Active. As soon as their processing is finished, they go back to the Sleeping status and they are not visible on the list unless you filter the list for tasks in Active: Sleeping status.

Remote Tasks

The RemoteTaskManager monitors and controls operations started outside the Automation Engine in systems such as SAP or PeopleSoft. You can filter them as follows:

  • Activate the Executable Objects: Remote Task Manager option: The remote tasks are displayed in the list as children of the Remote Task Manager. They are tasks of type JOBD (dynamic job). For example:

    Click to Expand

  • Activate the Runtime Objects: Dynamic Job option to display the JOBD tasks.

Runtime Objects

These are tasks that are visible on the list only as long as they are being executed. This is the case of SAP jobs (dynamic jobs, abbreviated as JOBD), period containers (C_PERIOD), Agent group containers (C_HOSTG), etc.

As soon as their processing has finished, they disappear from the list, as they serve as mere containers for the execution of grouped tasks, tasks that should execute recursively, etc.

ClosedTo Filter by Task Type

  1. Expand the Executable Objects or the Runtime Objects sections depending on what you are searching for.
  2. Activate the checkbox of the type you are interested in. You can select one or more types.

    Optionally, activate the Select all checkbox to select all types at a time. Activate Clear selection to remove the filter.

  3. Click the Filter button at the bottom of the pane.
Task RunID

Use this option if you know the RunID of the task you are searching for.

ClosedTo Filter by Task RunID

  1. Enter the run ID of the task you are searching for. Alternatively, use the spin button.
  2. Click the Filter button at the bottom of the pane.

Specific Task Properties


This field allows you to filter the list according to specific information available in the following jobs:

  • RA Jobs

    You specify the names and values of RA attributes.

  • SAP Jobs that have been started by the by the SAP Solution Manager:

    Use the following parameters


      A unique ID of the SAP job documentation in which the job has been scheduled


      The link to the SAP job documentation.

    You can use the * and ? wildcard characters.

Use the grouping functionality on the Tasks pane to further restrict the contents of the list.