ILM Page

The ILM page's sub-pages list information about partitions and facilitate switch-outs.

The ILM page is available in client 0000 only.


The Administration perspective only displays the area ILM, if ILM has been installed and the user privilege ILM actions has been granted.

The ILM page itself is a link, clicking it opens the Partitions sub-page by default.

Where to find the page:

The Administration perspective is only available, if the user has the required privilege.

  1. Open the Administration perspective.
  2. In the Navigation pane on the left find the ILM tab.
  3. Clicking it will open the Partitions sub-page.
  4. Click the History sub-page's tab to open it.


In the toolbar the default buttons Export to export the table content as .csv and Refresh are available.

In addition you find the button Stop ILM in the toolbar.

The button changes to Start ILM, when a partition has been stopped.

The Partition sub-page contains a list of existing ILM partitions.

Table Columns Information

The table columns show the following information:

Column Description
Status Task's status symbol and status 
Partition No.

Running number of the partition

Staging tables (MS SQL Server) always have the partition number "0".

Parent Displays the schema name (MS SQL Server) or the corresponding main table of the AE database (Oracle).
Filegroup / Tablespace Name of the FileGroup (MS SQL Server) or the tablespace (Oracle)
Starttime Start time that data records are being stored in the partition.
Min. RunID Smallest RunID of the partition
Max. RunID Largest RunID of the partition
Rowcount Number of staging-table data records (MS SQL Server)

Indicates whether the partition could successfully be checked.

A check, which is made either before a partition change or manually, is regarded as successful if the partition does not contain statistical records of active tasks.


Stop or Start ILM

You can stop ILM by using the Stop ILM button in the toolbar, and in doing so you prevent future partition changes.

The button changes to Start ILM, when a partition has been stopped.


In the toolbar the default buttons Export to export the table content as .csv and Refresh are available.

The History sub-page displays a list of removed partitions.

Table Column Information

The table columns show the following information:

Column Description
Partition No.

Running number of the partition

On MS SQL Server, staging tables always have the partition number "0".

Parent Displays the schema name (MS SQL Server) or the corresponding main table of the AE database (Oracle)
Filegroup / Tablespace Name of the filegroup (MS SQL Server) or the tablespace (Oracle)
Start time Time as of when data records were stored in the partition
Endtime Time up to when data records have been stored in the partition
Min. RunID Smallest RunID of the partition
Max. RunID Largest RunID of the partition