Dashboards in the AWI

TheDashboards in the AWI include both a standard feature and an optional plug‑in perspective called "Dashboards." The Dashboards perspective enables authorized users to define additional dashboards.

Definition: Dashboard

dashboard in the AWI is a tab page on which one or more windows (widgets) with different kinds of content are organized so that you can have a variety of information and links on one view.

Dashboard categories and types

There are two categories of dashboards, each of which have two types:

How dashboards are stored

Dashboard definitions are stored in the Automation Engine as DASH objects. When a dashboard is created, its DASH object is assigned to a folder.

How a dashboard is named and assigned to a folder depends on how the dashboard is created:

Who can see and work with dashboards

By granting the related authorizations to DASH objects and to folders, you can control who can access, maintain or create a dashboard. Specifying names or naming patterns in the user authorizations for both the DASH objects and folders, you can refine the level of access.

Note: Just like anywhere else in AWI, the data that appears on the dashboards for each user is limited to the objects that the user has authorizations for.

For information about setting up the dashboard options that your organization needs, see the following topics in this guide: