Script statement: Stores a value in an object variable and passes it to the parent object.


:PSET Object variable = Value



Object variable

Name of an object variable in which a value should be stored.

Object Variables store values that can be used throughout an object. They are defined on the Variables page of an executable object or with the :PSET script statement.

You must always use an ampersand symbol (&) that precedes the script variable's name, and it is recommended that you use a hash (#) symbol to signal the end of the variable's name

The length of a script variable's name for the :PSET and :RSET is limited to 31 characters. All characters of the alphabet, the numbers 0-9, and the following special characters can be used:"$", "_", "@", "ยง" and "#". German Umlauts are not allowed. The first character after the leading "&" must neither be a number nor a "$" symbol.

For more details about the syntax, see Syntax.

Format: script variable


Value that should be assigned to the object variable.
Format: script literal, script variable or script function




A workflow contains the two objects "MM.GET.FILES" and "MM.END.PROCESSING". The setting "Generate at runtime" has been specified in both objects in order to ensure that their scripts are only generated when it is their turn.

The file transfer checks the environment and changes the object variable &HOST# if required.

:PSET  &HOST# = "unix01"

See also:

Script element Description


Assigns a value to a script variable and stores it in the activation report.


Assigns a value to a script variable.


Sets the values of script variables indirectly.

Script Elements - Script Structure and Processing

About Scripts
Script Elements - Alphabetical Listing

Script Elements - Ordered by Function