Executing Jobs

The script is processed in a specific way in the object type "Job". Depending on the JCL (Job Control Language) and the script elements, an executable job is generated for the corresponding target system and transmitted via file transfer.

The Automation Engine Script (if existing) and the JCL lines are processed and, subsequently, the JCL is sent to the target system. The Automation Engine Script is never sent to the target system.

The table below provides information that is specific for certain target systems:

Target system Specifics
Windows On Windows the User Account Control (UAC) should be turned off to prevent errors because of missing permissions

The database agent regularly attempts to establish a connection to the database if its first attempt was not successful. The administrator can define this interval in the INI-file parameter connect=. The job remains in Active status during these attempts to establish a connection.

The job also remains in status "Active" if the agent is not able to establish a connection because the login data specified in the Login object is incorrect. It must be canceled manually either in the Process Monitoring perspective, using the CANCEL_UC_OBJECT script function or directly in the job by monitoring the maximum runtime (see Runtime Page).

Keep in mind that it is not possible to end commands the agent has been processing in the database at the moment job canceling is initiated. The JDBC interface does not provide this function. Jobs can only be canceled between two commands. Therefore, the agent waits until a command which is just being processed is finalized and cancels the job afterward. Use the functions of your database Server to cancel ongoing commands.


The user specified in the Login object also owns the job and report file. The administrator can assign authorizations for both files using the agent's INI-file parameters JobFileMode= and ReportMode=.

The administrator can specify the parameter login_check=yes in the UNIX agent's INI file. The password defined in the Login object is then checked. For reasons of security, Automic recommends using this setting. The setting Login_check=no only checks the user name.