Executing Workflows

When a workflow is activated, all its objects are activated, including the objects of sub-workflows.

The system checks whether object scripts should also be processed. Objects in which the Generate at Activation Time is selected, the scripts are processed at the activation time. Otherwise, scripts are processed as soon as the workflow reaches the object and starts it.

Scripting Error Impact

The impact of scripting errors depends on their generation time:

Workflows can contain objects that should be generated at activation time as well as objects that should be generated at runtime. If the Generate at runtime option is set in most of the Workflow objects, the workflow is activated faster.

Monitoring or Modifying a Workflow

You can view and modify the execution of a workflow in the Process Monitoring perspective, both in the Tasks table and in the workflow monitor.

Workflow modifications are valid for the ongoing execution. The general definitions in the Workflow object remains unchanged.

Blocking Condition

You can define particular dependencies and conditions in the properties of workflow tasks (such as an earliest or latest start, or the states of predecessors) so that the relevant task blocks if your definitions are not met. In this case, the task is only blocked within the workflow. The Tasks Window displays its actual end status.

If a task is blocked, the processing of the current branch does not continue from this object onwards. Manual intervention is then required (for example, unblock task, cancel or start next task). The processing of other branches continues. If there are no other branches or if they have already been processed, the workflow obtains the Workflow is blocked status.

See also: