Installing and Configuring the Plugin

The following prerequisites must be met before installing the Plugin Manager:

Condition Required for Done
AWI has to be installed. (Visit Automic Download Center) Installing the Plugin

Optional configuration settings

Setting Required for Done

In order to enable logging, add the following snippet to the logback.xml file in the config folder of the webapps/<-webapp-folder> directory on your Tomcat server:

<logger name="com.automic.apm" level="WARN" additivity="false">

<appender-ref ref="LOGGER"/>
Enabling logging

Installing the Plugin

The Plugin Manager is delivered as a .zip file which contains a .jar file.

To install the Plugin, the .jar file must be copied to the autoinstall folder within the webapps/ directory of the Tomcat server running AWI.

If your ARA/ASO system was set up by the ONE Installer, this should be: <installer-root>/External.Resources/apache-tomcat-x.x.xx/webapps/<awi-webapp-folder>/WEB-INF/autoinstall.

After restarting your session, the Plugin is available and ready to be used on the Packs accordion tab of the navigation sidebar, under the Administration perspective.

Troubleshooting Problems on Plugin Installation

If you experience issues when installing the Plugin, check to see whether this comes from one of the known issues:

Possible cause Solution
The 12.0 AWI version is not installed. Download the latest version from the Automic Download Center

The AWIlog and messages can also provide useful information to identify the problem(s) preventing the Plugin from being installed.

The version of the Plugin can be retrieved from the log file or the About dialog of the AWI.