Moving Objects/Folders within a Client

When designing your objects, you may want to collect related items in a folder for a better overview. You can do so using either the Move to function or dragging and dropping objects/folders. You can move objects and folders from one location to a different one in your client. Both functions are available in the Process Assembly perspective.

You can move objects and folders individually or in bulk using either the Move to menu option or the drag and drop function. Your target in the Explorer can be:

To Move Objects/Folders Using the Move Menu Option

  1. Select one or more objects or folders and right-click to select Move.
  2. The Move... dialog is displayed:

    If you have selected multiple items, this is indicated in the Name field.

  3. In Folder click the arrow to open the folder tree structure in your client and select the destination.
  4. Click Move.

To Move Objects/Folders Using the Drag and Drop Function

  1. Select one or more objects or folders.
  2. Drag and drop them onto the target folder, which can be either in the Explorer pane on the left hand side or in the list of objects.

A message confirms your actions.