Password Exit

The login data of an AE user contains information about the client, user name, department and password. During the authentication process AE compares the login information that is entered with the stored user data. Depending on the result of this comparison, access is either granted or denied.

Also, the Automation Engine provides a password exit which can be used to verify or - where necessary - reject attempts to log on to the AE system via a custom-developed program library. The password exit is called for any type of AE user logon (Automic Web Interface, CallAPI).

When using the password exit for verifying user authentication, the AE-specific authentication information (users with the appropriate rights and privileges) must be available in the AE system. For more information, see Granting Automation Engine Authorizations.

This page includes the following:


It is necessary to implement a program library which contains the following C functions:


Data type of return code

C function

Is called in all work processes (WP) when the Server starts. The password exit is not active if this function ends on a return code unequal zero. No more calls are made.


XUC4PASS_Open(AE system, parameter, callback function)

Data type of AE system: char*
Data type of  parameters: char*
Data type of callback function: void*

Use the callback function to print text outputs in the Automation Engine's log file. Define the callback function as shown below:

typedef void (WINAPI *UC4_LOGTEXT)(char *pText);

It is called in all work processes (WP) when the Server has ended provided the exit could successfully be opened.



Is called in the current primary work process (PWP) with each AE login. This function must return a return code of the following table.


XUC4PASS_Execute(client, user name, department, password, language, computer name, login type, length of output area, output area)

Data type of client: int
Data type of user name: char*
Data type of department: char*
Data type of  password: char*
Data type of  language: char (possible values: "D", "E" and "F")
Data type of computer name: char*
Data type of the login type: char (possible values: "D" - Dialog, "C" - CallAPI, "W" - WebInterface, "A" - ApplicationInterface, "U" - Utility)
Data type of output area length: int
Data type of output area: char*

The output area is any text which is output in the message box after successful logon. Only login via the Automic Web Interface has the effect that this text is displayed. It can be read with the ApplicationInterface.


  • Note that the text must not exceed the length of the output area.
  • The function XUC4PASS_Execute is synchronously called with each login. A long processing time in this function blocks the PWP for other tasks.

Return codes of the function XUC4PASS_Execute:






User was successfully authenticated. The password will be saved afterward as user password in the database.



User was not successfully authenticated (e.g. wrong password was used).



User is blocked.



The password exit has not checked the user.

4 PEXIT_RETCODE_AUTHENT_NO_PASSWORD The password is valid, but will not be saved in the database after authentication.


Installation Procedure


Copy the generated library to the Server installation directory.

See also: