Including or Excluding Deactivated Tasks

By default, deactivated tasks are not displayed on the Tasks list in the Process Monitoring perspective. If you want to show them, you must activate the Include deactivated tasks checkbox at the bottom of the Filter pane. This is because calling both active and inactive tasks may result in thousands of entries and slow down your system.

When you specify your filter settings and activate this checkbox, both the active and inactive tasks that meet the filter criteria are displayed on the list.

To guarantee that the potential impact of this option remains low, only the tasks that have been deactivated within the past 12 hours are shown. To draw your attention to this, the Time Frame section on the Filter pane opens automatically and is set to Default time span: 12 hours. You can change it, but take into account that the longer the time span, the slower your processes might get.

Note: Your system administrator can change the default time span in the DEFAULT_TASKLIST_TIMESPAN key in the UC_SYSTEM_SETTINGS - Systemwide Settings variable.

See also: