Generation Data Group (GDG) Support
The Automation Engine supports Generation Data Groups. This is a special type of file handling that is used by z/OS. You can use it in FILE Event objects and the GET_EVENT_INFO script element.
This page includes the following:
To use GDG in your AE system, define the following parameters:
- Activate the smfwrite= parameter in the INI file of the z/OS Event Monitor
- Activate the exit modules IEFU83 and IEFU84.
- The entries 14, 15, 30, and 64 must be logged.
You can use this object type to check the values of your file system, but you can also use it to trigger an event if a GDG generation is closed. To use this function
- define a z/OS Agent in the FILE event object's Execution settings of the Attributes page
- select the option Automatically in the Time Parameters section of the File Event page
Note: If you define GDG(+1) in the Path section of the File Event page, the system waits that a new generation closes. This is a common situation. If you specify GDG with +/-0 (+0, +00, +000, -0, -00, -000), the system waits that the current generation closes.
PAYROLL Name of the GDG
DSNAME=PAYROLL(0) This week's generation data set
DSNAME=PAYROLL(-1) Last week's generation data set
DSNAME=PAYROLL(-2) Generation data set of two weeks ago
You can use this script function to retrieve the name of a generation that you want to process.
For more information, see GET_CONSOLE, GET_EVENT_INFO
See also: