List of Object Script Values
The following variables supply object-related values that can also be retrieved by using the specified script functions. They can be used in all executable objects. Exception: &$IN_PROCESSFLOW#, &$TOP_PROCESSFLOW_NAME# and &$TOP_PROCESSFLOW_RUNID# cannot be used in combination with Schedule objects.
The Variable name is the technical name of the predefined variable. It will be replaced by the corresponding value at runtime.
The Security level is defined by using the setting VAR_SECURITY_LEVEL in the UC_SYSTEM_SETTINGS variable. This setting determines whether the variables of SQL statements are replaced by dynamic Variable objects and, if so, which ones. For more information, see VAR_SECURITY_LEVEL.
The security level is always 1 if the value of the predefined variable refers to a script function. Security level 1 should also be assigned if the value is derived from an attribute that the user cannot directly influence using the script element :PUT_ATT.
Attribute: ACCOUNT, Variable: &$ACCOUNT#
Variables for attributes that can be modified at runtime (and therefore pose a security risk) correspond to security level 2.
Attribute: HOST, variable &$AGENT#
[A] [C] [D] [E] [I] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T]
Note: The attributes are listed alphabetically according to their Variable name.
Name: Activator (name)
Variable name: &$ACTIVATOR#
Description: Returns the name of the superordinate task
Script element: SYS_ACT_PARENT_NAME
Security level: 1 -
Name: Activator (RunID)
Variable name: &$ACTIVATOR_RUNID#
Description: Returns either the RunID of the superordinate task or the user's session ID (manual activation)
Script element: SYS_ACT_PARENT_NR
Security level: 1 -
Name: Activator (object type)
Variable name: &$ACTIVATOR_TYPE #
Description: Checks whether the task has been started by a user, a CallAPI or another task
USER - For manual activation
API - For activation via CallAPI
Object type of the activating task
Script element: SYS_ACT_PARENT_TYPE
Security level: 1 -
Name: Alias
Variable name: &$ALIAS#
Description: Retrieves the task's alias name
If no alias name has been assigned, the object name is returned. In this case, the variable has the same value as &$NAME#.
Alias names can be assigned for workflow tasks and objects that are activated once or recurrently.
There is no script element for this variable.
Script element: N/A
Security level: 1
Name: Component name
Variable name: &$COMPONENT_NAME#
Description: Retrieves the component name of a workflow task
Script element: N/A
Security level: 1
Name: Date of script generation
Variable name: &$DATE_format#
Description: Retrieves the current date at the beginning of script processing
Script element: SYS_DATE
Security level: 1
Name: Interpreter
Variable name: &$EXT_INTERPRETER#
Description: Retrieves the name of the interpreter between :BEGIN_EXT_INTERPRETERS and :END_EXT_INTERPRETERS
Script element: N/A
Security level: 1
Name: Activation through a Workflow
Variable name: &$IN_PROCESSFLOW#
Description: Checks whether a task has been activated by a workflow
Note: This variable cannot be used in Schedule objects.
Script element: SYS_ACT_JP
Security level: 1
Name: Logical date
Variable name: &$LDATE_format#
Description: Retrieves the logical date
Script element: SYS_LDATE
Security level: 1 -
Name: Loop count
Variable name: &$LOOP_COUNT#
Description: The number of ForEach workflow iterations
Note: This variable can only be used with ForEach workflows.
Script element: N/A
Security level: 1 -
Name: Loop index
Variable name: &$LOOP_INDEX#
Description: Current loop count of ForEach-workflows
Note: This variable can only be used with ForEach workflows.
Script element: N/A
Security level: 1
Name: Maximum runtime
Variable name: &$MRT#
Description: The object's maximum runtime in seconds
The value depends on the definition that has been made in the Runtime page:
No definition = 0
A fixed value = The specified value converted to seconds.
ERT n % = The maximum runtime calculation is based on the ERT (it is a negative value when n > 100)
The current date + n days = The difference of the task's start date and a predefined time converted to seconds.
Script element: N/A
Security level: 1 -
Name: Object name
Variable name: &$NAME#
Description: Returns the name of the object in which the script function is used
Script element: SYS_ACT_ME_NAME
Security level: 1
Name: Object type
Variable name: &$OBJECT_TYPE#
Description: Returns the type of the object in which the script function is used
Script element: SYS_ACT_ME_TYPE
Security level: 1
Name: Activation type
Variable name: &$PARTNER_TYPE#
Description: Retrieves the activation type of the task
C - Activation by a CallAPI
A - Activation through Java Application Interface / Deployment Descriptor / Automic Web Interface
Script element: SYS_ACT_PTTYP
Security level: 1 -
Name: Platform
Variable name: &$Platform#
Description: Retrieves the platform of executable object
Script element: N/A
Security level: 1 -
Name: Processor (name)
Variable name: &$PROCESSOR#
Description: Supplies the name of the superordinate task
Script element: SYS_ACT_PARENT_NAME
Security level: 1 -
Name: Processor (RunID)
Variable name: &$PROCESSOR_RUNID#
Description: Supplies the run number (RunID) of the superordinate task
Script element: SYS_ACT_PARENT_NR
Security level: 1 -
Name: Processor (object type)
Variable name: &$PROCESSOR_TYPE#
Description: Returns the object type of the superordinate task
Script element: SYS_ACT_PARENT_TYPE
Security level: 1
Name: Number of previous restarts
Variable name: &$RESTART_COUNT#
Description: Supplies the number of restarts that have been made for a workflow task using the Postconditions tab (statement: RESTART TASK)
Security level: 1 -
Name: Restart point
Variable name: &$RESTART_POINT#
Description: Supplies the restart point from which the object will be executed
Script element: SYS_RESTART_POINT
Security level: 1 -
Name: RunID of the restart
Variable name: &$RESTART_RUNID#
Description: Returns the run number (RunID) of the object in which the script function is used, even if the task was not restarted.
Script element: SYS_ACT_RESTART_ME_NR
Security level: 1 -
Name: Activation by restart
Variable name: &$RESTARTED#
Description: Determines if the object has been activated in restart mode
Script element: SYS_ACT_RESTART
Security level: 1 -
Name: Return code
Variable name: &$RETURNCODE#
Description: The task's current return code
It can only be used within the Postconditions tab which is available in the properties of workflow tasks. For more information, see Conditions, Preconditions, Postconditions.
Script element: N/A
Security level: 1 -
Name: RunID
Variable name: &$RUNID#
Description: Returns the run number (RunID) of the object in which the script function is used. In case of a restart, it returns the RunID of the restarted task. if a task gets restarted multiple times, it always returns the first (original) RunID.
Script element: SYS_ACT_ME_NR
Security level: 1 -
Name: Run mode
Variable name: &$RUNMODE#
Description: Retrieves whether the task was started to run backup or Rolling Back Tasks and Workflows actions
Possible values:
BACKUP - The task was activated to run the user-defined backup of another task.
ROLLBACK - The task runs the user-defined rollback of another task.
NORMAL - The task does not run backup or rollback actions.
RERUN - The command Rerun has been called for the workflow.
Script element: N/A
Security level: 1
Name: Current runtime
Variable name: &$RUNTIME#
Description: Retrieves the current runtime of the task in seconds
This value is always be 0 when you use the variable in the Pre-Process or Process page because the variable is resolved at the same time as the script is generated.
Script element: N/A
Security level: 1
Name: Minimum runtime
Variable name: &$SRT#
Description: Retrieves the minimum runtime of the object in secondsThe value depends on the definition that has been made in the Runtime page:
- No definition = 0
- A fixed value = The specified value converted to seconds.
- ERT n % = The maximum runtime calculation is based on the ERT (it is a negative value when n > 100)
Script element: N/A
Security level: 1 -
Name: Status
Variable name: &$STATUS#
Description: The task's current return status
It can only be used within the Post Conditions tab which is available in the properties of workflow tasks. For more information, see Conditions, Preconditions, Postconditions.
Script element: N/A
Security level: 1
Name: Task name
Variable name: &$TASK_NAME#
Description: Actual object name of a workflow task
It can only be used in the properties of workflow tasks in the Alias field (see General Tab). All other variables that are used here refer to the workflow (for example, &$NAME# returns the workflow name).
Script element: SYS_ACT_ME_NAME
Security level: 1 -
Name: Time of script generation
Variable name: &$TIME_format#
Description: Determines the current time at the beginning of script processing
Script element: SYS_TIME
Security level: 1 -
Name: Top workflow (name)
Variable name: &$TOP_PROCESSFLOW_NAME#
Description: Supplies the name of the top workflow
Note: This variable cannot be used in Schedule objects.
Script element: SYS_ACT_TOP_NAME
Security level: 1 -
Name: Top workflow (RunID)
Description: Retrieves the run number (RunID) of the top workflow
Note: This variable cannot be used in Schedule objects.
Script element: SYS_ACT_TOP_NR
Security level: 1
See also: