Executing Events

The execution of an Events (EVNT) usually triggers the execution of other objects, which are displayed as child tasks of the Event. The child tasks of an Event are flagged with a special task type, namely !EVNT. This flag helps you keep track of the chain of tasks triggered by the Event. When you execute an Event object, the system distinguishes event recognition and event handling. This topic describes these two phases.

This page includes the following:

Event Recognition

After the event has been activated and started, its status is Sleeping. From now on, the system permanently monitors whether an event occurs as specified in its definition pages. If an event occurs, it distinguishes between:

Events can have values. These values are monitored and the Event is triggered when a value does not comply with the defined limits. However, there are also Events without values. In these cases, the occurrence of a condition triggers the Event.

Event Handling

This is the phase in which the contents of the Event Process page of the Event object is processed.

The post script of an event is not processed at its activation time but when the defined condition occurs. Active Event objects consider modifications made in the Event Process page. As there is no User Interface available at that time, the same limitations apply as for events that have been generated at runtime. For more information, see Generating at Activation or at Runtime.

Working with Task Events

In the Process Monitoring perspective you follow the progress of Event tasks and access their reports and historical data (Executions). For information on the functions that are available to Event tasks, see Working with Tasks.

Note: When you restart an Event, its script is not processed

See also:

Monitoring Events