UNIX Agent - File Transfer Support

When defining a UNIX File Transfers (JOBF) object, you can specify additional file formatting options for the source and destination files. You specify them in the Source/Destination Settings > File Attributes fields on the File Transfer page of the object definition.

You can enter multiple formatting commands separating them with commas.

Formatting Options for the Source File

Formatting Options for the Destination File

You may need to modify how line breaks are formatted. Use nl (insert new line) for this purpose.

Allowed values: crlf, lf (default) and none

Example: nl=crlf

Specifying Source and Target Agents

Source Agent

Use the Agent's FT_Linkfiles INI file parameter to determine the behavior of the source Agent. For more information, see Agent Unix.

Target Agent

Regardless of the parameters that have been set, the UNIX Agent also considers links in file paths. The following conditions apply:

See also: