PromptSet Designer

Define interactive input forms on the PromptSet Designer page of PromptSet objects. Configure prompt sets with different user controls to let your users select or enter data. The values the user selects are passed to executable objects. Each element you include in the form also defines a variable that you can use in scripts. You can configure prompts to be entered manually or resolved automatically from default values of dynamic variables.

This page includes the following:

Creating and Editing Prompt Sets

To Create a Prompt Set

  1. Add a PromptSet object (PRPT).
  2. Switch to the PromptSet Designer page of the object.
  3. Drag and drop the desired prompt set elements from the right side of the screen into the center.
  4. Select an element that you have dragged into the prompt set to configure the settings of the element.
  5. Drag and drop elements within the form to change their order. Prompts are called in the order in which they appear here.
  6. To remove an element, select the element and click its Remove icon or the Delete button in the toolbar.
  7. Save the object.

You can now use the prompt set on the Prompts page under Variables & Prompts page of an executable object.

To Preview a Prompt Set

  1. Add and sort the desired prompt set elements.
  2. Save the prompt set.
  3. Click the Preview button in the toolbar.

The form is displayed in a pop-up dialog, with the elements you configured.

Note: The preview does not resolve variables used to define default values.

Available Prompts

The following prompt elements are available:

Common Prompt Settings

The following settings are available for all prompt set elements, except the Header/Text prompt, which has only Label, Variable Name, Tooltip and Custom Field:

Data Reference

The Data Reference field lets you select a Variable object that acts as a reference variable for the prompt. With the exception of the Header/Text prompt, all prompts allow you to specify a data reference. The data reference Variable object determines the allowed data type and values supplied in the prompt.

The column from which values are retrieved depend on the type of data reference VARA object specified: 



Required Data Types

The Data Reference drop-down menu only includes VARA objects that have a suitable data type for the prompt set element. Use the appropriate prompt set element for the particular reference data type. For example, use the Time/Date prompt set element for date data types. Prompts can have the following data types:

Default Data Reference Variables

The system client (0) supplies default data references for the following prompts:

Key and XPath/XQuery Settings

(Text Field, Combobox, Radio Button and Checkbox prompts only) If you select an XML variable in the Data Reference field, the following additional settings are available:

Note: Both fields allow variables.


Assume you have the following XML in the key:





Follow these steps to specify the IP address:

  1. Select the XML variable in the Data Reference field.
  2. Select the appropriate key for the XML variable in the Key field.
  3. Enter server/ip.

Default Value/Default Selection

The default value is displayed when the prompt set is called. If the user does not select a different value, or if the field is set as read-only, this value is passed. With the exception of the Header/Text prompt, all prompts allow you to specify a default value.

The following restrictions apply to specific prompt types:

Defining a Default Value

Select an option to define the default value:


Important! You can save a prompt set even if it includes prompts whose default values use the wrong data type or violate limitations specified in the settings of the prompt. The resulting error will occur when you attempt to save the object where you assign the PromptSet.

Overriding Prompt Values

The prompt value can be overridden in multiple places. The order of precedence of the prompt value used for activation is:

  1. The default value (if one is set here).
  2. The prompt on the Prompt Sets page under Variables & Prompts in the object definition of an executable object overrides the default value. For more information, see Prompt Sets Page.
  3. An override of the activation of the instance of a Workflow or other executable object when it is run:
    • Manually with an Execute command.
    • Via a Schedule object.
    • Via a ACTIVATE_UC_OBJECTscript function with the PASS_VALUES parameter using :PUT_READ_BUFFER, :PUT_PROMPT_BUFFER.
    • Note: The read buffer variable requires the same name as the PromptSet variable (Variable Name). A Request dialog for prompts is not displayed for tasks that are activated through Workflow, Schedule, or Script objects.

Note: You can also define Workflow-specific prompt values. For more information, see PromptSets Tab.

Other Prompt-specific Settings

Some settings are only available for particular types of prompts.

Dynamic Reload (Combobox Prompts)

Depending on the data reference Variable, this setting does one of the following:

Note: To use PromptSet variables in Variable objects, ensure that the value of the VAR_SECURITY_LEVEL in the UC_SYSTEM_SETTINGS - Systemwide Settings is set to 3. This limitation does not apply to the SQL statements of VARA objects that use the sources SQL SECURE and SQLI SECURE.

Mandatory (Checkbox and Text Field Prompts)

Requires the user to enter or select data in the prompt

Minimum and Maximum (Number and Time/Date Prompts)

Define the minimum and maximum allowed values.

Note: These limitations are already checked when you store the object to which the PromptSet object has been assigned. You cannot store objects whose PromptSet values defined on the Variables & Prompts page are invalid because of the PromptSet properties.

Multi-Select and Separator (Checkbox and Text Field Prompts)

Use the following settings to allow users to select multiple values:

Tip: (Text Field prompts only) Activate the Input Assistant option to let users easily select multiple values.

On Change Reset (Text Field, Combo box and Check box Prompts)

Automatically unsets the value of other Text Field, Combo box, and/or Check box prompts, including default values, in this prompt set when a user selects a value for this prompt

Check boxes are displayed for each Text Field, Combo box and Checkbox in the current prompt set. Select the checkboxes of the fields which you want to reset if a user enters a value in this prompt.

Text Field Settings

The following additional settings are available for Text Field prompts only:

Time and Date Settings

In addition to the common settings, the following settings are available for Time/Date prompts:

Available formats for Date types:

Available formats for Date and Time types: 

See also: