Message Number Changes

The message number changed from seven to eight digits to deal with custom objects rather than with CA Automic content and to enable an independent release cycle for API. All language dependent texts, such as messages and captions, are maintained at a central location.

Important! To distinguish between custom and CA Automic messages and captions, all message numbers between 0 and 09999999 are reserved for CA Automic messages. All numbers > 09999999 are reserved for custom messages.

This page includes the following:

Possible Impact on Customers and Solutions

Filter Objects

Filter objects are intended to scan for string patterns and might break.


Filter object example report of LOG Object containing U0003488.


Filter objects must be adapted. The objects can be found by simply searching them with the GUI search feature or on database level, by submitting a query such as:

select OH_Client, OH_Name, OFC_SrcName, OFC_FilterText

from OH, OFC

where OH_Idnr = OFC_OH_Idnr

and OH_DeleteFlag = 0

and OFC_FilterText like '%U[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%'

Note: The SQL queries exactly for the pattern Unnnnnnn. If there are other patterns such as Unn*, the query must be changed accordingly.

Query result:

Process Pages of Executable Objects

Pre-Process, Process and Post-Process Pages of Executable Objects:

IFSTR_FIND(&line,"U2004943") <> 0


The script on the left contains an STR_FIND() function to find a message number with pattern Unnnnnnn. To find all scripts with the same pattern, the following SQL can be used:

select OH_Client, OH_Name, OT_Lnr, OT_Content

from OH, OT

where OH_Idnr = OT_OH_Idnr

and OT_Content like '%U[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%'

and OH_DeleteFlag = 0

Note: The SQL queries exactly for the pattern Unnnnnnn. If there are other patterns such as Unn*, the query must be changed accordingly.

Query result:

Custom Application Programs

Custom application programs, which parse log files of CA Automic components, must be adopted.

Although the uc4.jar is not affected by any incompatible change, application programs must be checked for report scans. 


The ABAP call API returns the message in a String:

  call function 'UC4' destination 'UC4DSP'
        exporting client = p_clint
                 trcflg = '0'
                 userabtl = p_abtei
                 username = p_usern
                 userpass = p_passw
                 queue = p_queue
        importing msg = o_msg
                  run = o_run
       tables    script = uc4_script
                  logon_failed = 1
                  others = 99.

o_msg would contain Unnnnnnnn ... (new format).


If an ABAP program uses the call API, they must be checked on how they deal with the returned string.

Call API for Java

The Java Call API returns the message number as String:

String msg = uc4.activateScript(":stop msg,50,\"Hello World\"");



U00000050 Hello World (new format)


If such client programs are in place, they must be checked on how they deal with the returned string.

Additional Impact on Customers Running Components of Different Versions

Be aware that to change everything to the new message format Unnnnnnnn requires all components to be from Version 11.1.
Although the old message format and the new message format never can be mixed within one report or within one log file, it might happen that old components are in place and create output in the former format.


Running an SAP Agent V10 against Automation Engine V11.1 would cause 2 different logs:

In such cases, consider the different options. If old and new versions are in place at the same time, the scripts and filters need to be changed, so that they distinguish between versions of the data source.

Distinguish in a Filter object (Filter tab)

Apply an OR combination:

Filter object with an OR combination.

Distinguish in scripts based on the agent version