
You can configure your product to collect and send telemetry data — product usage and system configuration data — to Broadcom. Use the information on this page to learn how to send usage data to Broadcom.

If you are licensed to use this product under a Portfolio License Agreement (PLA) subscription, you must configure it to collect and send product-specific usage data. If you are licensed to use this product under a standard license, you can consent to having this product collect and send usage data. By default, this product does not collect and send usage data.

For Automic Automation, the reporting options are:

What Data We Collect

The usage data information is securely transmitted to Broadcom. The data includes the number of devices that are being monitored. No Personally Identifiable Information (PII) covered under GDPR is transmitted. The following table describes some of the usage data that your product may send to Broadcom.

Name Description
Product This product or product family identifier
Instance ID A product-generated unique ID representing a single installation or environment
Date Collected Use the yyyy-MM-dd format
Product Version The product model and version
Site ID The Enterprise Support Site ID of the customer
Licenses A summary of the installed product licenses
Usage The maximum meter count which was used during a reporting period
Serial Number A value that associates a customer with a specific entitlement (allowed usage and time period) to a Broadcom product, typically included in a license
SKU The product SKU based on the entitlement

How Licensed Metrics Are Calculated

Automic Automation, Automic Automation Intelligence, Automic Intelligent Remediation, Automic Service Orchestration, Automic Workload Automation, and Automic Continuous Delivery Automation collect and send system configuration information about the number of instances in use and whether the systems run as a High Availability cluster. All other usage data metrics differ depending on your system's setup:

How to Report Usage Data Automatically

As an administrator, configure telemetry after installing or upgrading the product.

The first time you log in to Client 0, you are prompted to configure telemetry.

  1. Click the link in the notification to access the Telemetry page of the perspective.

  2. On the Telemetry page, define if the instance is subject to a PLA and consent to send telemetry data.

  3. Select your product:

  4. Provide the mandatory Activation Data.

  5. Select the Use a Proxy checkbox if you want to use a proxy to send telemetry data.

  6. Save your changes.

This information is also reflected in the UC_TELEMETRY_SETTINGS variable, see UC_TELEMETRY_SETTINGS - Telemetry Configuration.

When you consent to send telemetry data, the Automation Engine collects it in a data report and uploads it once a day, one report per client database.

How to Report Usage Data Manually

You can extract the telemetry data offline by using the Automic Automation REST API. It is found by using a date range. For example:


After you have pulled your data, submit it to Broadcom by using the Usage Reporting Portal.

For more information refer to the AE Rest API reference:,../Continuous.Delivery.Automation/swagger.json,../Analytics/swagger.json,../Infrastructure.Manager/swagger.json#/telemetry/export