Storage (STORE)

Storage objects allow you to upload a file and store it in binary format in the database. On the Storage page you specify files that you want to store in the object. You can add, edit or remove files. Once a storage object definition is saved, all uploaded files are permanently stored in the database with the object. Even if you delete a file from the table on the Storage page of the object definition, the files are kept. This is important for rollbacks and historical data.

A Storage object definition is made up of the following pages:

Defining a Storage Object

  1. On the Storage page click the first row in the list to activate it.
  2. Enter the Name of the file you want to store in the database, which must be unique.
  3. In File Upload click the upload icon and search for the file.
  4. In Type, the file format of the selected file is displayed. It can be Binary or Text. This ensures that the code page settings of the target system are applied.
  5. Optionally, enter the Version number of the file. This information helps you keep track of its changes.
  6. Optionally, enter the Operating System from which the file originates. The options are:
    • Windows
    • Unix
    • * (any operating system)
  7. Optionally, enter the Platform from which the file originates, where * means any operating system.
  8. Optionally, enter information on the Hardware , where * means any hardware type.
  9. Save the object


Special Storage Object for Adding Plug-Ins

Upon installation, the Automic Web Interface automatically loads the standard plug-ins by default, which are delivered in its WEB-INF\autoinstall folder. To install additional plug-ins and bundles, such as Package Manager, Release Automation solutions or any other content from, your administrator must upload the related files to a standard storage object called UC_ECC_PLUGINS.

The UC_ECC_PLUGINS Storage object is stored in Client 0 and it describes which bundles should be enabled for the user and is read on each login. Administrator users can change the contents of the object, but cannot delete it.

When new plug-in files are saved to this object, the related plug-in is installed at the next AWI login. When a file is removed from UC_ECC_PLUGINS, the related plug-in is no longer loaded at the next AWI login.

For users to be able to work with objects that are related to these bundles and plug-ins, they must have Read (R) rights on the UC_ECC_PLUGINS Storage object. Otherwise, they will be able to open them and see their standard definition pages (for example General, Version Management, Documentation, etc.) but not the object-specific ones (for example, in the case of a WebServices Job, this would be the Web Service page).