GetArtifact Action

As an Application Developer, you use the GetArtifact Action to execute file transfer operations for Artifacts.

This page includes the following:


The GetArtifact Action is included by default in all Component Workflows that are created with the option Create a blank Component Workflow (see: Adding Component Workflows) or with the Application wizard (see: Creating Applications Using the Wizard).

The Action is included in the PCK.AUTOMIC_BOND Pack and provides the necessary framework and steps for file transfer operations, including checksum verification and file renaming, filtering, and unarchiving. Specific download Actions are provided with other Packs; for example: PCK.AUTOMIC_HTTP, PCK.AUTOMIC_FTP, PCK.AUTOMIC_SMB, and PCK.AUTOMIC_NEXUS.

The action is only executed if an Artifact is assigned to the Component in the Deployment Package, otherwise it is skipped.

File transfer mechanism

Files are transferred from external sources to the Deployment Target by combining properties of the Artifact and the Artifact Source. The Artifact and Artifact Source properties are available in the Deployment Descriptor and can be accessed from the Action using EXT:@artifact_source and EXT:@artifact. For example: EXT:@artifact_source/custom/host.

These properties are mapped directly to the PromptSet of the file inside the transfer Actions.

Click the image to expand it.

Files are transferred to the Artifact Base Dir (&UC4RB_ARTIFACT_DIR#) which is set to {@target/custom/staging_base_directory}/artifacts.

If the files are a supported archive format (ZIP, TAR, TAR.GZ), they are unarchived. Afterward, files are transferred to the Target Dir (&UC4RB_COPY_TARGET_DIR#), which is set to the dynamic property target/target_files_dirs of the Component.

The Target Dir location is commonly shared by other Actions, for example: The Tomcat Deploy Action and JDBC Execute Script Action take by default the package/script files from this location.

Click the image to expand it.

Note: /target/target_files_dirs is set to {@target/custom/staging_base_directory}/{@application/system/name}/{/system/name}/{@deployment_package/system/name} by default. If @target/custom/staging_base_directory (property of the Deployment Target) is not set, a temp directory within the agent directory location is used instead. For example: C:\Automic\Agents\WIN01\temp\

Working with Multiple Files

Downloading multiple files is supported for SMB and FTP protocols. In both cases, you can use wildcards in the Source Path field. For example: Set Artifact Custom Property Source Path to shared\jpetstore\jpetstore\*

All files are downloaded and transferred to the directory location defined in the dynamic property {/target/target_files_dirs} of the Component.

Downloaded file names, relative paths, and checksums are stored in the VARA file PCK.AUTOMIC_BOND.PRV.VARA.TEMP.ARTIFACT.<Artifact Source ID>.<Artifact ID>. Fo example: PCK.AUTOMIC_BOND.PRV.VARA.TEMP.ARTIFACT.1747467.1545759.

Finally, the GetArtifact Action transfers the files to the Target Dir.

The following list displays the GetArtifact Action variables that contain important information and can be used for further processing.

You can use Postconditions to map the variables to the Workflow variables and use them in subsequent Actions/Workflows.

From here, you can define what to do with those files. The following options are available:


Print full path to all downloaded artifact files.

  1. Map the GetArtifact variables to workflow variables using Postconditions.

    Click the image to expand it.

  2. Create a custom Action and loop it through all rows in VARA as follows:





    : PRINT "&VK# &VALUE#"



    echo &FULL_PATH#


Filtering files from Artifact Base Dir to Target Dir

After the files are downloaded and extracted to the Artifact Base Dir, they are copied to the Target Dir through a filter. This allows you to select a subset of files suitable to subsequent deployments. The filter allows you to include or exclude a set of matching files.

The syntax of the include/exclude filter follow the ANT matching rule. Multiple rules can be specified separated by a comma.

For example: Includes filter: **/*.war,**/*.zip copy all WAR and ZIP files from the Artifact Base Dir to the Target Dir recursively.

Click image to expand it.

Renaming Files

After applying filters, while transferring the files from the Artifact Base Dir to the Target Dir, they can be renamed for ease of subsequent processing. The renaming is carried out by the following parameters: Pattern, Replacement, and Duplicate Strategy.


The Artifact file is a ZIP file that contains two files: webui+build.12157.war and webui+build.12158.war.

Entering the following input copies and renames the file webui+build.12157.war to webui.war in the Target Dir folder.

Remote staging

Once the Remote Staging agent is set on the Deployment Target under the Remote Staging custom property group, Artifact files are downloaded to that agent.

Note: Remote staging can be turned off completely by setting Enable Staging to NO in the GetArtifact action promptset.

Click the image to expand it.


The GetArtifact action supports checksum check for compliance comparison purposes. The file checksum must be stored in a separated text file with the same file name (including extension) but with an extra suffix; either .sha1 or .md5. For example:

After a file is downloaded, the checksum is calculated and compared with the value defined in the checksum file. You can select one of the following values from the Checksum options drop-down:

The following examples show how Artifact Path and Checksum Path can be combined to provide comprehensive checksum check functionality.


UNIX Support

To download the Artifact to your UNIX machine in SUDO mode, enter the SUDO password, options and username in the PromptSet.