Open Interface to Output Management Systems

To use execution information and reports of jobs and file transfers in an output management system, this data must be provided in a structured way. Administrators can use the Automation Engine to extract the entries that are written for each execution either by using the AE DB Archive utility or directly in the XRO database table which supports your self-developed programs.

This page includes the following:


List Reports

To list all executions not archived up to now, start the AE DB Archive utility from the command line using the syntax shown below. The result is shown in a CSV file:

UCYBDBAR -B -Xlist -Sclient/-Dclient [-Opath and file name] [-Ystatus]

Unload Reports

To export reports to text files, start the AE DB Archive utility from the command line using the following syntax:

UCYBDBAR -B -Xunload -Sclient/-Dclient -RRunID of the task [-TYReport type] [-Opath and file name] [-Ystatus]


Remove Table Entries

Start the AE DB Archive utility from the command line using the following syntax in order to flag the reports as archived. In doing so, you remove their entries from the XRO database table:

UCYBDBAR -B Xmark -Sclient/-Dclient -RRunID of the task [-TYReport type]

(Optional) Use the AE DB Reorg utility. When reports are reorganized, the XRO table is automatically included in this process. For more information, see AE DB Reorg.

Structure of the XRO Database Table

The exported CSV file contains the content and structure of the XRO database table. Both, the CSV file and the database table, include the same columns:

See also: