System Monitoring
As a system administrator, you monitor various automatic processes, clients and agents. You can also use the External Monitoring Interface (EMI) to monitor the technical status of the Automation Engine. For more information, see External Monitoring Interface (EMI).
This page includes the following:
Automatic Processing in the Automation Engine
There are various processes in the AE that take place automatically at certain times. As a user, you can manipulate some of them.
Procedure: Validity check of calendars
Takes place: Daily, at 00:00 am
Effective TimeZone: UTC
Affects: All Clients
More information: Use the parameters CALE_WARN_LEVEL and CALE_WARN_NOTIFICATION in the UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS variable. For more information, see CALENDAR Parameters.
Procedure: Calculation of Calendar object, see Calendars (CALE)
Takes place: On the first day of the year, at 0:00 am or when the Automation Engine starts
Effective TimeZone: UTC
Affects: All Clients
More information: The calculation of the days on which the keys of Calendar objects are valid is important in order to ensure that they can be checked.
Procedure: Period turnaround of Schedule objects, see Schedules (JSCH)
Takes place: As defined in the Schedule object
Effective TimeZone: TimeZone of the Schedule
Affects: Every Schedule in a different way
More information: N/A
Procedure: Log-file change
Takes place: daily, at 00:00 am
Effective TimeZone: UTC
Affects: All agent and server processes, events, Schedules, Remote Task Managers, Sync objects, and the recurring tasks in all clients
More information: Use the parameters CHANGE_LOGGING_DAYS and CHANGE_LOGGING_MB to determine how often and in which intervals the automatic change of the log file takes place. For more information, see CHANGE_LOGGING Parameters. You can also determine the log-file change for agents and server processes in the Administration perspective or by using the script element CHANGE_LOGGING.
Procedure: ILM partition change
Takes place: On the days that are specified in the calendar that is set in the UC_ILM_SETTINGS variable with the CALENDAR key, at 00:00 am, see UC_ILM_SETTINGS - Settings for Partitioning with ILM
Effective TimeZone: The TimeZone of the System Client 0000
Affects: The AE database
More information: ILM - Information Lifecycle Management
Changing the Client Status
The automatic processing of a client can be stopped. The status of the active tasks such as workflows, Schedules and events changes and finally, these tasks show the status "STOP" - Automatic processing has been stopped.
Client Status Stop
While a client is being stopped, you can still activate tasks. Tasks such as Schedules, workflows, events, groups or recurring tasks also obtain the status STOP. Individual tasks without superordinate tasks are processed. For more information, see Clients.
You can use the Go command in the Administration perspective's context menu in order to release tasks. In this case, they are processed although the system is stopped.
The following handling options are available:
Right-click the client
You can change the system status of any client in the Administration perspective of client 0000. Select the Client Stop command in the client's context menu.
This script element is used to change the system status (parameter STOP) from within a script.
The current status is stored in the UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS variable in the global value CLIENT_STATUS. For more information, see CLIENT Parameters.
Client Status Go
A global start of automatic processing has the effect that all active tasks start that are in a STOP status. The system does not distinguish whether they have individually been stopped or through a system-wide stop.
- Workflow - changes its status to "Active"
- Group/Queue - changes its status to "Active"
- Schedule - changes its status to "Active". Missed start times are not made up, instead they switch to "Timeout",
- Event - changes its status to "Sleeping". The times are recalculated. Missed events are not made up.
- Recurring tasks - change their status to "Sleeping".
The following handling options are available:
Right-click the menu
You can change the system status of any client in the Administration perspective of client 0000. Select the Client Go command in the particular client's context menu.
This script element is used to change the system status (parameter GO) from within a script.
The current status is stored in the UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS variable in the global value CLIENT_STATUS. For more information, see CLIENT Parameters.
Handling Agents
The Automation Engine offers various ways of starting, stopping and monitoring agents.
Agents can be started immediately after their installation. The ServiceManageralso allows to start agents on Windows and UNIX using either the ServiceManager Dialog Program or the Command Line Program.
More information:
- Installing the Agents Manually
- ServiceManager
- ServiceManager - Dialog Program
- ServiceManager - Command Line Program (CLI)
There are also different options for monitoring and stopping agents. The Agents list of the Administration perspective displays whether a particular agent is active and provides information about the computer on which the agent has been installed. From this list you can also stop an agent. For more information, see Agents (HOST) and Working with Agents.
The ServiceManager Dialog Program also informs whether the agents are running or not and can be used - as well as the Command Line Program - to stop an agent.
The UC_HOSTCHAR_DEFAULT variable allows you to define the executable object to be activated upon starting or stopping an agent (keys EXECUTE_ON_START and EXECUTE_ON_END).
You can also use scripts to check or change the status of an agent.
More information:
- UC_HOSTCHAR_DEFAULT - Host Characteristics
- Scripting and the Automation Engine Scripting Language
- Script Elements for System Conditions and Settings
See also: