Live Preview of Job Reports (REP)
REP reports are specific to Jobs. While a Job is still running on an Agent, the Report (REP) is written but not yet transferred to the Automation Engine database. Once the Job is finished, the complete report is transferred and available in the reports view. If you configured the Job to store the reports as files not in the database but on the Agent, the system looks for and opens them from the Agent.
However, there are cases in which you may want to see and note the report and status of the active Job before it has finished. You can always open the reports of active Jobs while still running, no matter where they are stored (Agent or database).
For information about how to access the reports view, see Accessing the Report View.
Accessing the Latest Report Data
Select Report (REP) in the report view. If the information sent by the backend is already available, the Show latest output button is enabled as long as the report is still loading. Click this button to go directly to the most recent piece of information that has been written to the report.
If this option is activated, manually refreshing the page is not possible.
For reports over 10 MB the system prompts you to decide what you want to see, whether the first (oldest) or the last (newest) lines.
Switching between Reports
It is not necessary to stay on this view while the report is running. If you can switch to other reports or even to other pages without losing any data or having to start the report anew. When you come back to this report, the system knows where you left and opens it in the same page and scroll position.
See also: