Installing the Agent for PeopleSoft (Windows)
As of version 21.0, the Automation Engine and the Windows, UNIX, and Java Agents communicate using TLS/SSL. These agents establish a connection with the Java communication process (JCP), which uses trusted certificates to prove their identity to other communication partners.
Note: The TLS/SSL implementation does not apply to the HP-UX Agent, as it is no longer supported in this version.
You can use the trustedCertFolder=, agentSecurityFolder=, and keyPassword= parameters in the respective INI file to point to the relevant certificates. If the trustedCertFolder= parameter is not set, the certificates should be installed in the respective store; that is the Java trust store for Java Agents, the Windows OS store for Windows Agents, or the TLS/SSL store for UNIX Agents. For more information, see Securing Connections to the AE (TLS/SSL).
For more information about the different certificate types and for detailed instructions on how to create and use them, see What Kind of Certificates Should I Use for Automic Automation v21.
TLS/SSL Agents and the TLS Gateway, when used for the Automic Automation Kubernetes Edition, establish a connection to an ingress / HTTPS load balancer and not the JCP directly. The ingress / HTTPS load balancer must be reachable and requires a certificate for authentication. The address of the load balancer must be defined on both sides: the Automation Engine and the Agent / TLS Gateway.
Important! When you install or upgrade Agents manually for an Automic Automation Kubernetes Edition system, you have to make sure that you configure your Agents and/or TLS Gateway to reach the TCP or HTTPS load balancer and not the CP or JCP directly. Also, make sure that your HTTPS load balancer has the required certificates in place. For more information, see Connecting to the AAKE Cluster.
This page includes the following:
- Process scheduling in PeopleSoft is executed via PeopleTools components. The PeopleSoft agent can be implemented for all versions of PeopleTools supported by AE. For more information, see Automic Automation System Requirements and Sizing.
- The following guide describes how to install an agent in an AE system in which authentication is not used. Additional installation steps are required before the agent can be started and used if you intend to use one of the available authentication methods. More detailed information is provided in the document Agent Authentication.
- It is best to install the agent in a separate directory (such as C:\AUTOMIC\AGENTS\PEOPLESOFT or Automic/Agent/peoplesoft).
- Valid Operator ID's for executing tasks in PeopleSoft
The additional requirements listed below must be fulfilled so that PeopleTools Process Scheduler Batch server process logs can be added to the AE database:
- Entry in the INI file of the PeopleSoft agent to transfer the log files to the Automation Engine, see Agent PeopleSoft
- Read permission for PeopleSoft process log files
- Read permission for the configuration file of the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Batch Server
- Correct entry in the configuration file at the parameter "Log/Output Directory="
- Agent knows the environment variable which might be used for "Log/Output Directory="
These are the requirements for using the AE Interface.
- The AE interface must have been loaded to the PeopleTools database, validated and authorized for full access with the Application Designer
- The AE interface must have been activated in the agent's INI file
For more information, see Automation Engine Interface.
Supplied Files
The image file UCXJPSX.ZIP for Windows and UCXJPSX.tar.gz for Unix contain the files listed below:
UCXJPSX.jar -Agent jar file
UCXJPSX.INI - INI file for the PeopleSoft agent
UC.MSL - Message library
UCXJPS84.jar - Java classes
SETUP.EXE - Installation program (Windows only)
Setup.lst - Setup list file (Windows only)
- - Sample agent start script (Unix only)
For more information, see Automation Engine Interface.
Technical Implementation
Component Interfaces (Java classes) can be used for connecting the agent to PeopleSoft/PeopleTools.
People Tools with AE Interface (Java Classes)
Accesses for job processing are made via the Java Classes of the supplied UC4_* component interfaces.
Installation Steps
The installation of the PeopleSoft agent comprises the following steps:
Installing the AE Interface
Installing the Agent and setting up the system environment
Shortening of the interval for task checking in PeopleSoft
Editing the ERP Login object
Defining operator IDs in AE
Running a functional test
Optionally, configuring the system to use bind variables
Optionally, configuring the system to use a RemoteTaskManager
For detailed installation instructions, seePeopleSoft Agent - Installation Process (Windows) .
See also: