Exporting Tables to CSV

Many tables have an Export Table option that lets you extract their contents as comma-separated values in a CSV file. You can export large lists to CSV files to get an overview of the data, to sort them according to your needs, to compare them, and so on.

Export All Columns / Visible Columns

Some lists have many columns. While mandatory columns are always visible, you can show or hide non-mandatory columns. After you click Export Table, a dialog prompts you to select whether to export all columns or the visible ones only.

Filtered Tables

If you have filtered the data in the list, the exported CSV contains the filtered entries only.

Sort Order

The sort order of the entries in the CSV file is identical to the sort order in the list.

Exporting Parent and Children Tasks

If there are tasks with a parent/child relationship, to export both the parents and their children you must expand them. Otherwise, only the parents are exported. For example, in the list of Tasks in the Process Monitoring perspective, Workflows, Schedules, and C_PERIODs are examples of tasks with a parent/child relationship; if you export the collapsed list of tasks, the CSV will contain the parent tasks.

Number of Exported Records

The number of entries in some lists is restricted by either a user setting or by a variable that is specified by your administrator. This limit also applies to the entries that are exported to the CSV.

  • Search results

    Restricted by GENERIC_SEARCH_LIMIT

  • Tasks list


  • Autoforecast


  • Execution lists

    Restricted by a user setting (Settings > Process Monitoring > Executions Lists)

See also: