Monitoring IF and ForEach Workflows

In the hierarchical view of the Workflow monitor, ForEach Workflows are displayed as containers of tasks that have already run. The order of the sub tasks depends on the loop iteration.

Important! The monitor of ForEach Workflows always displays the current loop cycle.

Modifying Active ForEach or IF Workflows

The properties of ForEach Workflows cannot be modified. The Modify button in their toolbars is always disabled. However, you can perform certain functions, such as set a breakpoint, cancel, or restart the Workflow. The functions that are available depend on the status and on the type of the task.

For more information, see Available Functions Depending on the Task Status.


  • ForEach Workflows

    The system uses the task chain processing duration without iterations

  • IF Workflows

    The system uses the branch with the longer total processing duration


  • ForEach Workflows

    The system reevaluates the number of loop cycles from the specified source. The number of iterations can be different in each restart.

  • IF Workflows

    The system reevaluates the START conditions and actions. The other task branch is processed depending on the conditions that apply.

See also: