Reports for File Transfer Objects

When objects are executed, the system generates various types of reports that track what happened during execution. In partially qualified File Transfers, it is possible to transfer several files using wildcard characters to specify the source and target files. The report for partially qualified File Transfers provides detailed information about it. This page explains the structure of File Transfer reports using the new FT protocol:

  1. Message informing that the File Transfer has started, including information about the file filter that has been used.
  2. U0011124 File search started with filter 'C:\temp\test*.txt' ...

  3. List of the files that comply with the file filter. A message per file is provided. It includes the absolute path and the file name.
  4. U0011125 'C:\temp\test.txt'

    U0011125 'C:\temp\test2.txt'

  5. Information that the file search is complete and the number of files that have been transferred.
  6. U0011126 File search completed, '2' files selected.

  7. Transfer status. A message that includes the following information is provided for each file that has been transferred:
    • Transfer was successful/not successful
    • Number of transferred bytes and records
    • Path and name of source and target file
    • Transfer duration in the format HH:MM:SS

    U0011133 OK  '1394' Bytes, '26' Records for file 'C:\temp\test.txt'->'D:\temp\test\test.txt' transferred. Duration '00:00:00'.
    U0011134 ERROR '0' bytes, incorrect transfer of '0' records for file 'C:\temp\test2.txt'->'D:\temp\test\test2.txt'. Duration  '00:00:00'.

  8. Information whether the file transfer (RunID) has ended successfully or with errors.
  9.  U0011408 File Transfer '76836123' has ended normally.


     U0011409File Transfer '76836123' has ended abnormally.

Example of an Abnormal End

Report of a partially qualified (wildcard) file transfer that has ended abnormally:

2011-11-21 16:17:10 - U0011124  File search started with filter 'D:\Temp\webhelp_src\*' ...

2011-11-21 16:17:10 - U0011125 'D:\Temp\webhelp_src\help.htm'

2011-11-21 16:17:10 - U0011125 'D:\Temp\webhelp_src\uc4.js'

2011-11-21 16:17:10 - U0011125 'D:\Temp\webhelp_src\uc4.mcwebhelp'

2011-11-21 16:17:10 - U0011125 'D:\Temp\webhelp_src\uc4.xml'

2011-11-21 16:17:10 - U0011125 'D:\Temp\webhelp_src\uc4_CSH.htm'

2011-11-21 16:17:10 - U0011125 'D:\Temp\webhelp_src\uc4_Left.htm'

2011-11-21 16:17:10 - U0011126 File search completed, '6' files selected.

2011-11-21 16:17:10 - U0011133 OK  '1394' Bytes, '26' Records for file 'D:\Temp\webhelp_src\help.htm'->'D:\Temp\webhelp_dst\help.htm' transferred. Duration '00:00:00'.

2011-11-21 16:17:10 - U0011133 OK  '14634' Bytes, '541' Records for file 'D:\Temp\webhelp_src\uc4.js'->'D:\Temp\webhelp_dst\uc4.js' transferred. Duration '00:00:00'.

2011-11-21 16:17:10 - U0011133 OK  '336' Bytes, '2' Records for file 'D:\Temp\webhelp_src\uc4.mcwebhelp'->'D:\Temp\webhelp_dst\uc4.mcwebhelp' transferred. Duration '00:00:00'.

2011-11-21 16:17:10 - U0011134 FEHLER '0' Bytes, '0' Records for file 'D:\Temp\webhelp_src\uc4.xml'->'D:\Temp\webhelp_dst\uc4.xml' fehlerhaft transferred. Duration '00:00:00' .

2011-11-21 16:17:10 - U0063018 FT(76836900): Datei 'D:\Temp\webhelp_dst\uc4.xml' kann nicht geƶffnet werden, error code = '5 - Access is denied.'.

2011-11-21 16:17:10 - U0011133 OK  '4474' Bytes, '171' Records for file 'D:\Temp\webhelp_src\uc4_CSH.htm'->'D:\Temp\webhelp_dst\uc4_CSH.htm' transferred. Duration '00:00:00'.

2011-11-21 16:17:10 - U0011133 OK  '1394' Bytes, '26' Records for file 'D:\Temp\webhelp_src\uc4_Left.htm'->'D:\Temp\webhelp_dst\uc4_Left.htm'transferred. Duration '00:00:00'.

2011-11-21 16:17:10 - U0011409 File Transfer '76836900' has ended abnormally.

The reports of File Transfers can be unloaded to text files by using the AE DB Archive utility.

See also: