Job Reports

When objects are executed, the system generates various types of reports that track what happened during execution. The execution of Job objects can generate extra reports. As a developer an object designer, you define when to generate them and where to store them on the platform-specific page of the Job definition. Some Job objects (for example, SAP Jobs, z/OS Jobs and SQL Jobs) have extra reporting options.

Configuration Options Common to all Job Types

When you configure a Job, you define where to store the Job report and when to generate it in the Job Report section on the platform-specific page.

Where to Store the Report

You have two options. You can select one or both simultaneously:

  • Store to: Database means that when the Job has been executed, the process log available on the target system (on the Agent) is stored in the database.

    When a Job has been executed on an Agent, the corresponding report is stored on the Agent computer. After the Automation Engine has written this data to the database, the report is automatically deleted from the Agent computer. If it cannot be deleted due to an error, the deletion process is not repeated and an error message is displayed.

  • Store to: File means that the process log is stored as a file on the target system (Agent).

When to Generate the Report

You have two options:

  • Generate: Always means that the process log of the operating system is always written.

  • Generate: On error only means that the process log is kept when an error occurs. Example, when the Job is canceled or aborted.

BS2000 Options

For BS2000 Jobs, you can also specify where to store and when to generate the SysLst protocol. For details, see BS2000

JMX Jobs

For JMX Jobs, you have an extra Add Agent Log option. Activate it if you want the Agent messages on the execution of the Job to be also included as an additional report.

OS/390 Jobs

For OS/390 Jobs, you have the following additional options:

  • Job Log Complexity

    You specify here the content of the log:

    • Agent default configuration

      The job log complexity depends on the configuration in the Agent INI file (completeJobout= parameter)

    • Store JES statistics and job output

      The JES statistics and job output are stored in the job log

    • Store only JES statistics

      JESMSGLG, JESJCL, and JESYSMSG are included

  • Delete Job Log

    • Agent Default Configuration

      Whether the job log is deleted depends on the configuration in the Agent INI file (jobPurge= parameter)

    • Delete after reading

      The job log is deleted after it has been read by the agent

    • Do not purge

      The job log remains in the JES spool

  • Print Release

    • Agent Default Configuration

      Whether the job log is deleted depends on the configuration that is made in the INI file of the agent (the relMsgClass= parameter)

    • Release after reading

      The job log is deleted after it has been read by the agent

    • Do not release

      The job log remains in the JES spool

  • Obtain Message Classes

    Message classes which should be read and routed. Specify one or several message classes. Examples: "A", "ABC", "X1".

    Any order is possible. The following values are also allowed: *DEFAULT and *ALL.


      The message classes which should be read depend on the configuration that is made in the INI file of the agent (the getMsgClass= parameter).

      If this setting is used, *DEFAULT must also be specified in the Route Message Classes to field.

    • ALL

      All classes are read.

  • Route Message Classes to

    Message classes that should be routed.

    After it has been transferred to the Automation Engine, the job log can be routed to the specified message classes (example, for an Output Management System)

    Enter either one or the number of message classes that are specified in Obtain Message Classes. The order is relevant.


    • The following message classes are read "ABC" and routed "DEF". Class "A" is routed to class "D", "B" to "E" and "C" to "F".
    • The following message classes are read: "ABC" and routed: "D". Class "A", "B" and "C" are routed to class "D".

      The following values can be used instead of message classes:

      • DEFAULT

        The message classes which should be routed depend on the configuration that is made in the INI file of the agent (routeMsgClass= parameter)

        This setting must be specified if *DEFAULT has also been specified in the Obtain Message Classes field

      • NO

        No routing is made

OS400 Jobs

For OS400 Jobs, you have the following additional options:

  • Store from Spool: Job Log (QPJOBLOG)

    Only the spool contents of QPJOBLOG are stored in the Automation Engine database and/or are available as a member in the target system.

  • Store from Spool: Complete (*ALL)

    The complete spool contents are stored in the Automation Engine database and/or are available as a member in the target system.

SAP Jobs

For SAP Jobs, you have the following additional options:

  • Store to

  • Add

    These are optional reports that are retrieved from the SAP system. They are available for the SAP job but not for its children.

    • Agent log
    • Application logs (SAP ABAP jobs only)
    • Spool directory (SAP ABAP jobs only)
    • Step lists (SAP ABAP jobs only)
    • Statistics

    These reports can be long and complex. In a standard installation, client 0 is supplied with ready-to-use Style Sheet objects that contain the necessary code to format them and give them a user-friendly layout.

    See Style Sheet (XSL) and UC_REPORT_STYLESHEETS - Style Sheets for XML Reports.

SQL Jobs

For SQL Jobs, you have the following additional option:

Add Agent Log: Activate this checkbox if you want also the agent messages on the execution of the job to be also included in the task.

Windows Jobs

The standard output (STDOUT) of Windows Jobs is written to the Job report. If you are using a program that cannot write to this standard output destination, you have two options:

  • External Output Files page

    Specify any path of your choice to which the program should write the report.

  • Scripted Report option in the Windows page

    This option is useful for programs whose outputs are supplied in files. If you activate it, the job reports contain the program outputs. You can assign the default output file to the program you are using.

  • With each job execution, a separate file is created for  the job report. To retrieve the corresponding report file names, you can use the FILENAME_SYSOUT attribute. File names include the individual job's run numbers (RunID). To set the path for the job report, use the UC_EX_PATH_JOBREPOR variable as described in the List of Agent Variables, and to read it, use the GET_VAR script function. You can then assign this information to the program you want to use.


    :SET &job_report_path# = GET_VAR(UC_EX_PATH_JOBREPORT)
    SET &job_report_filename# = GET_ATT(FILENAME_SYSOUT)

    isqlw -S PC1\SQL2000 -d TEST_DB -U sa -i c:\temp\test.sql -o &job_report_path#&job_report_filename#

For more information, see Output Pages

See also: