UC_EX_HOSTCHAR - Assigning Agents to Host Characteristics

This Variable (VARA) object allows you to assign agents to particular host characteristics. It is supplied in the system client 0000 and its settings apply to the whole Automation Engine system.

  • Key: Agent name

    You can use the * wildcard for every agent that is not defined by name.

  • Value: Name or part of the variable which contains host characteristics

    It allows a maximum of 188 characters.

  • Default value: DEFAULT

  • Restart required: Agent

    For more information, see Working with Agents.

Note: Due to performance reasons, changes in UC_EX_HOSTCHAR and UC_HOSTCHAR_DEFAULT take up to one minute to take effect. These variables are cached and refreshed every minute. For more information, see UC_HOSTCHAR_DEFAULT - Host Characteristics.

By default, host characteristics are retrieved from the UC_HOSTCHAR_DEFAULT variable. You can copy this variable and rename it to UC_HOSTCHAR_<SUFFIX> to define specific agent settings.

Upon login, the Automation Engine scans the variable UC_EX_HOSTCHAR for an entry for this host. If there is no entry, the system automatically creates a new line with the name of the host. The term describing the host characteristic is DEFAULT. The host characteristic is read from the variable UC_HOSTCHAR_DEFAULT. Thus, this variable must always be available.

If there is an entry for the host, the term which describes the host characteristic (suffix of a predefined variable) is read. For example, BS2000 in the UC_HOSTCHAR_BS2000 variable.

See also: