Agent Job Messenger

All OS Agents have a Job Messenger that can be used to run and monitor jobs. You call it in the HEADER and TRAILER of Include objects. These specific Include objects are available in the system client 0000. For more information, see Include Objects in Headers and Trailers.

A sample excerpt of the Include object HEADER.MVS:

//             TYP=S TXT="        Job started" 2>&1'

A sample excerpt of the Include object TRAILER.MVS:

//             TYP=E STP=&UC_REPORT_STEPS RET=&RETCODE 2>&1'

Note: PARM statements must not exceed 100 characters.

This page includes the following:

General Start Parameters

There are several parameters that can be assigned to the Job Messenger. The following table shows the parameters that apply to all Job Messengers.

  • IPA: IP address

  • JNR: Job RunID

  • MNR: Client

  • PNR: Port number

  • RET: Return code

  • TYP: Type

    • S: start Job Messenger

    • E: end Job Messenger

    • V: register a variable

  • TXT: This text is subsequently output at the beginning of the job report and in the status text's detail window.

    The parameter is limited to 32 characters. Use blanks for the first 8 digits because they are reserved for the Automation Engine. All other digits can be used for your individual text.

Additional Start Paramaters

Some Job Messengers have additional start parameters:


  • Parameter: STP

    Description: The logging of step return codes

    Values allowed:

    • 0 (default): no logging is made

    • 1: The Job Messenger records return codes

  • Parameter: RETRY

    Description: The number of connection attempts

    Default value: 4

  • Parameter: WAIT

    Description: The time interval between the individual connection attempts

    Default value: 30 seconds


  • Parameter: OUT

    Description: The Job Messenger's message logging

    Values allowed:

    • 0 (default): no logging is made

    • 1: The job report also includes Job Messenger messages


  • Parameter: RETRY

    Description: The number of connection attempts

    Default value: 3

  • Parameter: TIMEOUT

    Description: The period in seconds after which a timeout occurs for the connection between the agent and the Job Messenger

    Default value: 60 seconds

  • Parameter: WAIT

    Description: The time interval between the individual connection attempts

    Default value:120 seconds

UNIX and Windows

  • Parameter: CMD

    Description: The command that should be processed on the agent's computer

    Within this command, you can also use passwords that have been encrypted by using a PromptSet object: specify the PromptSet variable that includes the value of the encrypted PromptSet text field. The Job Messenger automatically identifies and decrypts the passwords. For more information, see PromptSets (PRPT).

    Note: The Job Messenger does NOT decrypt passwords that have been encrypted by using UCYBCRYP.EXE. For more information, see Encoding Passwords.

    You use the message call in the Process page of the Jobs.

    Example (Windows)

    &UC_JOBMD CMD="ping localhost"


  • Parameter: LOCAL

    Description: The Windows Messenger uses either a secure or non-secure connection to connect to the Agent

    This parameter allows you to define whether or not you want to use a secure TLS/SSL connection to the Agent. A non-secured connection can be used only for local communication.

    Values allowed:

    • 0: Messenger uses TLS/SSL connection to Windows Agent

    • 1 (default): Messenger uses non-secure connection to the Windows Agent over localhost ( only

See also: