Object Classes

AE Object is the basic class from which other classes can be used to create and edit objects.

This page includes the following:

Creating Objects

First retrieve the client's folder structure using the class FolderTree. As this is a request, method sendRequestAndWait is called. Now determine the folder in which the object should be created. Object names must not contain particular characters; hence they have been implemented in an extra class. Select an object name via UC4ObjectName. The object is created via the class CreateObject. Subsequently, call the method sendRequestAndWait in order to transfer the request to the AE system.

FolderTree tree = new FolderTree();
IFolder folder = tree.getFolder("/MATERIAL_MANAGEMENT/DAILY_CLOSING");

UC4ObjectName name = new UC4ObjectName("MM_CLOSING");
CreateObject create = new CreateObject(name, Template.JOBS_UNIX, folder);

Creating Folders

Folders are objects and are created in the same way as all other objects.

UC4ObjectName fname= new UC4ObjectName("PRODUCTION");
CreateObject create = new CreateObject(fname, Template.FOLD, folder);

Editing Objects

Use the class OpenObject to open the object to be edited. This class contains methods which can be used to query particular information. The example shown below checks whether the object is a UNIX job. If so, the class Job can be used to set specifications and attributes in the Job object. Note that the names of users, agents and TimeZone objects have been implemented in extra classes because different naming conventions apply to them.

After the object has been edited, it must be transferred and stored using a request. This is done via the class SaveObject which contains the relevant methods. Keep in mind to close the object afterward.

OpenObject open = new OpenObject(name);

if (open.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("JOBS_UNIX"))
Job job = (Job) open.getUC4Object();

job.attributes().setHost(new UC4HostName("UNIX01"));

AttributesUnix hostattributes = (AttributesUnix) job.hostAttributes();

SaveObject save = new SaveObject(job);
uc4.sendRequestAndWait(new CloseObject(job));

Deleting Objects

Use the class DeleteObject to delete objects:

DeleteObject delete = new DeleteObject(name);

Searching Objects

The class SearchObject can be used to search for objects. Search parameters can be defined the same way as in the Automic Web Interface. The example shown below searches for workflows whose names commence with FIAC. The request supplies a result which can be filtered with an iterator. Information such as the object name can be retrieved for each result.

SearchObject search = new SearchObject();


if(search.size() > 0)
Iterator it = search.resultIterator();
SearchResultItem result = (SearchResultItem) it.next();
System.out.println("Result: " + result.getName());

See also:

Classes for Workflows and Schedules Classes for ActivitiesClasses for Statistics and Reports
Classes for the Administration Perspective