
When objects are executed, your system generates output files and reports that you open from the user interface. Combined with the Execution Data, these reports provide comprehensive information about the status and the history of your executions. This information tracks all processes and allows you to control and monitor tasks, ensuring full auditing capability.

Reports are kept in the system until they are explicitly removed by a reorganization run. During a reorganization run, the Execution Data can be kept. Keeping the execution data is an advantage, because reports can consume a large amount of hard drive space. Removing the reports from your database does not mean loss of important historical data.

Tip: Read Example: Defining a Job and Checking its Report to learn how to take advantage of the web browser functionality when working with the reports.

This page includes the following:

Accessing the Reports

You access the reports as follows:

  • From the Process Assembly perspective

    • After executing a Job (JOBS) a notification with a link to the report is displayed
    • Right-click an object and select Monitoring > Last Report

    The most recent report that is created for the object opens up.

  • From the Process Monitoring perspective

    • Right-click a task and select Open Report

      The report of that particular execution opens up. Its runID is displayed in the title bar to help you identify it.

    • In any of the Executions lists, right-click an entry and select Open Report

If there are long reports or heavy traffic, loading the report can take some time. In this case, the Report of page is displayed but the toolbar buttons are disabled.

Stored Information

The reports provide the following information about the configuration of the object when it was executed, about any object manipulation during its execution, times and object accesses:

  • Job Execution

    • Title
    • Name
    • Object version
    • Execution queue
    • Run ID
    • User
    • Passed parameters
    • Target Agent
    • Target user context
    • Target process ID
    • Activation, start and end timestamp
    • Runtime
    • Return status
    • Return code
    • Processor utilization

    In addition, the following information is audited:

    • Issued commands
    • Responses returned by target systems
    • Post processing tasks
    • Runtime metrics
  • Task starts and restarts (activation time)
  • Modification at runtime including changes done by monitors and status.

    In the case of JCL modifications, the JCL is not written to the revision report. It can be viewed in the object.

  • Task abortion
  • System changes
  • Object creation and renaming
  • Source and target folders when moving objects
  • Time of imported and transported objects.

    The contents of the .xml and transport files are not written to the revision report.

  • Deleted an restored objects
  • Object modifications (priority, start type, etc.)


    • Modifications made using the Automation Engine scripting language.
    • Status modifications of sync objects.
    • Contents of variable objects.
    • Modifications of Calendar objects.
  • Accesses of any kind
  • User login and logoff

Types of Reports

The following types of reports are available:

  • ACT Activation

    This report contains all the steps that the object goes through during its activation phase.

    For example, this report contains the texts written by :PRINT statements or the confirmation and runID that results from the execution of an object through :ACTIVATE_UC_OBJECT functions.

    For more information, see Activation.

  • CLNT Client

    Useful mostly for revision purposes, this report logs what happens at Client-level. For example, if a Client has been started or stopped, when, and by whom.

  • LOG Runtime

    This report contains all the modifications that occur at runtime, that is, during the execution of an object. For example, in case of a cancelation, when the cancellation took place and who canceled.

  • LST SYSLST report for BS2000 jobs

  • OBJ Object

  • OREP Output Scan

    Only for Jobs, File Transfers, and RemoteTaskManager. This report logs the results of the output scan function. For more information, see Output Pages.

  • PLOG Agent

    Job-specific report available for all Java Agents, this report logs the Agent activities. For example, which functions the Agent has executed for the Job.

  • POCO Post Conditions

    This report contains the results of the post conditions defined for the tasks in a Workflow.

    For more information, see Conditions, Preconditions, Postconditions.

  • POST PostProcess

    This report contains all the activities that take place based on the script available on the Post Process page of the object. These are activities that occur at the very end of the processing

  • PRCO Pre Conditions

    This report contains the results of the pre conditions defined for the tasks in a Workflow.

    For more information, see Conditions, Preconditions, Postconditions.

  • REP Job

    This report provides information about what the commands in the Job JCL did and what their results were.

  • REV0 Script

    For revision purposes, this report logs the script as it was at the time the Job was executed.

  • REV1 JCL

    For revision purposes, this report logs the JCL and all attributes as they were at the time the Job was executed.

  • REV2 Object access

    For revision purposes, this report logs all object accesses as they occurred during the execution of the Job. For example, it lists the variables and VARA objects used by the Job and their resolutions.

  • SAP-specific

    • SAPL Application report for SAP jobs (ABAP jobs) (in xml)
    • SJJI Statistics report for SAP jobs (Java Scheduler jobs) (in xml)
    • SLOG SAP system log report for SAP jobs
    • SSPL Spool directory for SAP jobs (ABAP jobs) (xml)
    • SSTC Statistics report for SAP jobs (ABAP jobs) (xml)
    • SSTP Step list report for SAP jobs (ABAP jobs) (xml)
  • SREP Structured job

    For zOS Jobs, this report records every step that the Job has gone through.

  • Directory Job output files

    This is a list of the reports created for this particular execution and that are available for downloading.

See also: