UC_EXTERNAL_VAULTS - Listing External Password Storages

This static Variable (VARA) object allows you to list all external password storages. The Variable (VARA) object is supplied with Client 0 and needs to be configured to work with an external password storage.

  • Key: Name of the service in use

  • Value 1: Suffix for static Variable (VARA) object

  • Restart: Login object, see Login (LOGIN)

The key should reflect the service being used. The suffix entered in Value 1 is the one listed on the Password Storage column in the Login object, which allows you to identify which storage is being used. Values 2 through 5 are not relevant for this object.


If you want to store your passwords using CA PAM, define the VARA Object as follows:

  • Key: CAPAM

  • Value 1: CAPAM

    You can use either upper or lowercase

    The vault is listed as CAPAM in the Login object.

If you want to store your passwords using Cyberark, define the VARA Object as follows:

  • Key: Cyberark

  • Value 1: CYBERARK

    You can use either upper or lowercase

    The vault is listed as CYBERARK in the Login object.

See also: