Installing the Utilities - Windows

The AE Utilities support the handling of administrative tasks.


  • It is best to install the utilities in a separate directory (such as C:\AUTOMIC\UTILITIES\BIN\).

  • Utilities must be run as administrator.

Installing the Utilites

  1. Install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) (Admin computer).

    This installation step can be ignored if the required version of JRE is already installed.

    1. You can check the system's current Java Virtual Machine (VM) version by using the following command:

    2. java -version

      In case several JRE or Java SDK Versions have been installed on the computer, make sure that the order of the indicated directories is correct in the settings of %PATH% or $PATH (system environment variables). The Java Runtime Environment that is found first in the listing of directories is applied.

    3. Download and install the required Java Runtime Environment.

    4. Do not forget to set the JAVA_HOME and JAVA_PATH according to Java System Instructions, see:

  2. Install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable Package (Admin computer) from the CRts folder of the image.

    This installation step can be ignored if the package is already available in the required version. Refer to the Control Panel > Programs and Features to see if the package is installed, and if so, which version.

  3. Install the utilities (Admin computer).

    Start the program SETUP.EXE in the corresponding subdirectory of IMAGE:UTILITY\WINDOWS\x64.

    A temp subfolder for log files is automatically created in the utilities folder.

  4. Adjust the INI files (Admin computer). You can use any text editor to modify their values.

    The INI files are located in the Utilities/bin folder and share the same name as the corresponding Utility:

    It is mandatory to adjust the [ODBC] section for DB Archive, DB Client Copy, DB Load, DB, Reorg, DB Reporting Tool, DB Revision Report, and DB Unload. All other changes are optional.

    Important! When you use DB Client Copy, you need a source and a target [ODBC].

Further Options

If you want to call the DLL from a different folder, follow one of the options below (Admin computer):

  • Utility DLL paths can be changed by making an appropriate entry in the system environment variables (system control -> system). Enter the variable JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH and the required path. Libraries are loaded from this directory.

  • Alternatively, you can also use the parameter "-Djava.library.path=Path" in the INI files. Enter it in the cmd= parameter of the [GLOBAL] section.

    cmd="javaw" -Djava.library.path=..\libraries -jar -cp .;.\UC4LAF.jar UCYBDBAr.jar

Next step:

Loading the AE Database