AE REST API - Reports of Executions

You can get the list of executions and get the content of a specific report.

This page includes the following:

Get Report List of Object Execution

Request: GET http://{host}:{port}/ae/api/v1/{client}/executions/{run id}/reports

Example: http://my-jcp-host:8088/ae/api/v1/8001/executions/23021234/reports

HTTP 200 Response:

        "end_timestamp": "2018-04-17T13:11:54Z",
        "type": "ACT",
        "is_db": true
        "end_timestamp": "2018-04-17T13:11:54Z",
        "type": "POST",
        "is_db": true
        "end_timestamp": "2018-04-17T13:11:54Z",
        "type": "REP",
        "is_db": true

Get Content of Specific Report

Without Pagination

Request: GET http://{host}:{port}/ae/api/v1/{client}/executions/{run id}/reports/{report type}

Based on the previous response, the report types available are ACT, POST, and REP. These types are used subsequently to request their reports contents.

Example: http://my-jcp-host:8088/ae/api/v1/8001/executions/26350688/reports/REP

HTTP 200 Response:

Reports (report content) are organized in multiple pages whereof the number of report pages depends on the overall size of the whole report. Each report page itself consists of multiple lines of report text. The report pages in the response represent the same portions as stored in the DB.

    "total": 1,
    "data": [
            "page": 1,
            "content": "\r\nc:\\>C:\\Automic\\V12\\Agents\\UC2TS_WIN_MEH\\Bin\\UCXJWX6M.EXE JNR=0026350688 MNR=8001 PNR=2388 IPA= TYP=S TXT=\"        Job started\" \r\nProgram 'UC4 
Job Messenger' version '' started\r\nUCMDJP: *********************************************************************\r\nUCMDJP: ** JOB 0026350688 (ProcID:0000014160) START 
AT 17.04.2018/15:11:54 **\r\nUCMDJP: **                                    UTC TIME 17.04.2018/13:11:54 **\r\nUCMDJP: ** --------------------------------------------------------------- 
**\r\nUCMDJP: **                                    USED:      0.000 CPU         **\r\nUCMDJP: *********************************************************************\r\nProgram 'UC4 Job 
Messenger' version '' terminated normally\r\n\r\nc:\\>dir c: \r\n Volume in drive C is Windows\r\n Volume Serial Number is 5400-7BCD\r\n\r\n Directory of 
c:\\\r\n\r\n22.01.2018  12:05    <DIR>          APIRegtests\r\n02.11.2016  18:51    <DIR>          app\r\n15.11.2017  16:09    <DIR>          Automic\r\n09.03.2018  09:50    <DIR>          
Data\r\n24.10.2016  11:48    <DIR>          DRIVERS\r\n10.10.2017  14:13    <DIR>          eclipse\r\n16.01.2018  12:22    <DIR>          image\r\n20.10.2016  15:25    <DIR>          
Intel\r\n08.03.2018  15:47    <DIR>          logs\r\n22.03.2017  15:43    <DIR>          Music\r\n14.07.2009  05:20    <DIR>          PerfLogs\r\n11.01.2018  15:41    <DIR>          Program 
Files\r\n11.01.2018  15:39    <DIR>          Program Files (x86)\r\n22.01.2018  12:19    <DIR>          Q12S3\r\n07.04.2017  12:01    <DIR>          Ruby23-x64\r\n12.01.2018  16:50    <DIR>          
share\r\n03.07.2016  02:52             8.196 smsbootsect.bak\r\n20.10.2016  15:00    <DIR>          Symbols\r\n27.09.2017  11:17    <DIR>          TaskManagerForDev\r\n17.04.2018  12:27    
<DIR>          Temp\r\n18.01.2018  10:22    <DIR>          Testing\r\n30.11.2016  15:06    <DIR>          THIRD-PARTY-LICENSES\r\n29.11.2017  17:46    <DIR>          Tools\r\n26.09.2017  12:31    
<DIR>          UC4_Systeme\r\n23.06.2017  10:39    <DIR>          Users\r\n16.02.2017  15:07    <DIR>          webdrivers\r\n12.03.2018  10:09    <DIR>          Windows\r\n30.11.2016  12:21                
40 windows-version.txt\r\n02.11.2016  13:00    <DIR>          XXX_wir_sind_bei_sbb_XXX\r\n               2 File(s)          8.236 bytes\r\n              27 Dir(s)  215.454.625.792 bytes 
free\r\n\r\nc:\\>C:\\Automic\\V12\\Agents\\UC2TS_WIN_MEH\\Bin\\UCXJWX6M.EXE JNR=0026350688 MNR=8001 PNR=2388 IPA= TYP=E RET=00000000 TXT=\"        Job ended\" \r\nProgram 'UC4 Job 
Messenger' version '' started\r\nUCMDJP: *********************************************************************\r\nUCMDJP: ** JOB 0026350688 (ProcID:0000014160) ENDED AT 
17.04.2018/15:11:54 **\r\nUCMDJP: **                                    UTC TIME 17.04.2018/13:11:54 **\r\nUCMDJP: ** --------------------------------------------------------------- 
**\r\nUCMDJP: **                                    USED:      0.000 CPU         **\r\nUCMDJP: *********************************************************************\r\nProgram 'UC4 Job 
Messenger' version '' terminated normally\r\n\r\nc:\\>GOTO JOBENDE \r\n"
    "hasmore": false

With Pagination

Request: GET http://{host}:{port}/ae/api/v1/{client}/executions/{run id}/reports/REP?max_results=3&start_at=4

Example: http://my-jcp-host:8088/ae/api/v1/8001/executions/26350688/reports/REP?max_results=3&start_at=4

HTTP 200 Response:

    "total": 12,
    "data": [
            "page": 4,
            "content": "..."
	    "page": 5,
	    "content": "..."
            "page": 6,
            "content": "..."
    "hasmore": true

See also: