Use the GET_CONDITION script function to determine the earliest start time of a Workflow, or of a task within a Workflow. The script function returns the earliest start time in DD/HH:MM format.

The earliest start time can be defined in the following ways:

  • In the Time & Dependencies settings of the task
  • In the Time & Dependencies settings of the START node of the Workflow
  • By a :SET_CONDITION script statement at runtime

More Information:




    Retrieves the earliest start time of a Workflow or a task in a Workflow

  • Condition
    Specifies whether to retrieve the earliest start time of the Workflow or of the task in the Workflow
    Format: script literal or script variable
    Allowed values:

      Earliest start time of the task that contains the script
      Earliest start time of the Workflow
      Important! Only use this parameter in the script of a Workflow when the Workflow itself has a parent Workflow. The script function returns the earliest start time of the parent Workflow. An error occurs if there is no parent Workflow.

Note: GET_CONDITION only works with Workflows and tasks in Workflows.


A task that contains the following script runs in a Workflow. The first line of the script retrieves the earliest start time of the task itself. The second line retrieves the earliest start time of the Workflow. The script prints both times in the activation report of the task.

PRINT "Earliest start time for task:", &RETJOBS#
PRINT "Earliest start time for Workflow:", &RETJOBP#

See also:


Script Elements for Handling Tasks