Use the GET_UC_OBJECT_NR script function to retrieve the RunID of a currently activate executable object.


GET_UC_OBJECT_NR (Object Name)


    Retrieves the RunID of an activated object

  • Object Name
    Name of the executable object
    Format: script literal or script variable

Return Codes

The script function returns the following codes:

  • RunID of the object
    Note: If the object has been activated more than once, the function returns the oldest RunID.
  • A blank if the object is not active


The following example uses the GET_UC_OBJECT_NR function to check whether or not the task is active. If the task is inactive, the function returns a blank and the script sends an error message.

:SET &RunID = GET_UC_OBJECT_NR(&task#)

IF &RunID = ""
STOP MSG,50,"&task# is not active!"

See also: