Script Elements for Variables and VARA Objects

You can write scripts that retrieve or store values in VARA objects, or assign values to different types of variables. For an overview of the different types of variables in the Automation Engine, see Variables and VARA Objects.

This page includes the following:

Define or Retrieve Script Variable Values

The following script elements assign or retrieve values of script variables.

    Creates a script variable with a constant value


    Defines a script variable and declares the data type

  • :SET

    Assigns a value to a script variable

  • :RSET

    Assigns a value to a script variable and stores it in the activation report


    Indirectly sets the value of a script variable by means of a placeholder

    Queries multiple script variables at once by means of a placeholder

    Writes the name and content of a script variable or PromptSet variable respectively to the read buffer

Assign or Define Object Variables

The following script elements define values of object variables.

  • :PSET

    Assigns a value to an object variable

    Defines a script variable or array as an object variable

Script Arrays

  • :CLEAR
    Resets a script array to the initial values

  • :FILL
    Stores values in a script array

  • FIND
    Searches for a string or number in a script array and returns the position

    Returns the size of a script array

    Retrieves the last filled index of a script variable array

Retrieve Values of PromptSet Variables

The following script element returns the values defined in a PromptSet variable.

Resolve Variables

The following script elements resolve variables used in scripts.


    Attempts to resolve all variables in a string

    Resolves any kind of variable (prompt value, system variable, script variables or VARA object) in text

Read or Modify Values in VARA Objects

The following script elements read or modify values stored in VARA objects.

Create or Delete VARA Objects

The following script elements add or remove VARA objects.