Use the PREP_PROCESS_DOCU script function to retrieve the content of a Documentation page from an object. The script function lets you specify the name of a particular Documentation page. The script function returns a reference to a data sequence that you can use for further processing by assigning the return code to the :PROCESS script statement. Use the GET_PROCESS_LINE script function to access each line in the data sequence.

You can retrieve the content of structured or simple (text-only) Documentation pages:

  • All elements that are defined in the left tab area in structured Documentation pages are saved in the data sequence line by line.
  • The content (text) of a simple Documentation page is stored in the data sequence line by line.

More Information

Notes: You cannot assign a new value to the script variable that contains the reference to the data sequence. Use :CLOSE_PROCESS to discard the existing data sequence, and then assign a new value.


PREP_PROCESS_DOCU ( ObjectName, [Documentation page] )


    Retrieves the content of a Documentation page

  • Object name
    Name of the object from which to retrieve Documentation page content
    Format: script literal or script variable

  • Documentation page
    (Optional) Name of the Documentation page
    Note: the name is case insensitive.
    Format: script literal or script variable
    If you do not specify a name, the system searches for the default Documentation page that is called Docu.


  • Specify the name of the object and the name of the Documentation page exactly as they are defined in UC_OBJECT_DOCU.
  • The script aborts if the object name is invalid.
  • The script function does not abort when there is no Documentation page with the specified name. The returned data sequence is empty in this case.


The following script retrieves the content of a custom Documentation page that is called Notes in a Script object. The script prints the content of the page in the activation report.



See also: