Use the SYS_STATE_JP_ACTIVE script function to check whether a Workflow is already activated. The script function lets you check whether the Workflow is in a status with a system return code of lower than 1699, or equal to 1701. For more information, see System Return Codes of Executable Objects.

Note: Do not use this script function to synchronize processes. The check is made when the script function is processed, and returns the current status at the time of processing only. The script function cannot check whether the Workflow will still be activated at a later time.




    Checks whether a Workflow is active

  • Workflow
    (Optional) Name of the Workflow
    Format:AE name, script literal or script variable
    Note: Omit the name of the Workflow to check the status of the Workflow that contains the script.

Return Codes

The script function has the following return codes:

  • Y
    Workflow is active: the system return code is lower than 1699, or equal to 1701
  • N
    Workflow is inactive: the system return code is greater than 1699, but not equal to 1701

Note: When you use the script function to check the status of the Workflow that contains the script, the system always returns Y.


The following script checks whether a Workflow that is called FI.DAY.SET is active.


See also: