
Your system continuously delivers messages that provide information about the execution of tasks and about the status of processes. You can see these messages in the Messages console that you open by clicking the message icon in the menu bar. You need a specific right to open it.

Administrator and security messages behave a bit differently. These messages remain in the list as long as they remain unread. Unread means that you have not opened the Messages pane since the message was created.

This page includes the following:

Security and Administrator Messages

These are special messages that occur frequently.

Security messages provide information about access attempts that are subject to the authorization system. For example, if a user starts an object but does not have the relevant authorizations, a security message is output.

Administrator messages give you information about the system. For example, messages relating to the start and end of server processes and agents.

Message Pane Functions

The following functions are available from the console menu bar:

Force memory trace dump

The Force memory trace dump option is available in the console bar if your user definition contains the necessary privileges. Click it if you want the memory trace dump to be written to the trace file.

If tracing into FILE is enabled for the server, a message is displayed to inform you that no memory trace is available.

Searching for Messages

You can search for alphanumerical strings. The search is not case-sensitive and it does not support the use of wildcard characters.

The hits are highlighted in yellow, with the selected one displaying a in a darker shade. You can navigate through the results using the right and left arrows.

Pausing or Resuming Message Loading

Messages are continuously loaded. Click Pause to stop the message feed and Resume to start loading messages again. Any interaction with the Messages pane automatically stops the message feed.

Viewing History Messages

The Messages pane shows the messages that have been output since your last login but you can easily display older ones. Click History to open the Message History dialog.

In the upper pane you enter the criteria to filter the messages, the results are displayed in the pane below. You can configure the columns to be displayed/hidden on the table.

The following criteria are available for filtering the historical messages:

  • User

    Restricts the messages to those that were generated by tasks executed by the selected user.

    Which users are available for selection here depends on the privileges assigned to your profile:

    • If the View all messages from own client privilege is assigned to your profile, all users in the current client will be available for selection.
    • If the View all messages from own client privilege is not assigned to your profile but you have the right to View messages from own User Group, the users that are members of your group will be available for selection.
    • If neither of the previous privileges has been granted to you, you can only see your own messages. This dropdown list is then grayed out and displays your name.

  • Source

    Whether administrator or security messages are displayed.

  • Type

    Restricts the messages according to their type.

    The following two options are only available if the access tracking functionality of the authorization system is activated:

    • Monitoring: successful (messages from the authorization system indicating permitted accesses).

    • Monitoring: failed (messages from the authorization system indicating denied accesses).

  • Category

    You can restrict the messages displayed to only those with a specific category. The options are:

    • All - No restriction.
    • Message -Usual messages
    • Object access - Messages concerning object accesses in connection with the authorization system (for example, an object cannot be run due to missing authorizations)
    • Access to agent - Messages that concern access to Agents (for example, an object cannot be run on an Agent, since no Agent authorizations are available)
    • Logon - Messages that concern user logons to the system (for example, incorrect logon of a user due to incorrect password or blocked user)
    • Privilege - Messages about privileges (for example, the action "Change system status" is not possible due to a missing privilege)
  • Number U

    Filters the messages according to the 8-digit number that precedes the message text, for example U00011002.

  • Inserts

    Inserts are the variable parts in messages. For example they can be the object name, date, time, or status. They are the values that are displayed between single quotation marks in the Messages column of the Messages pane.

    Enter a string here. The system searches for this string in the inserts of the messages and filters the list according to the search result. For example:

  • Time From/To

    Restricts the messages to those that have been recorded within the period of time you specify here.

  • Max. number

    Restricts the number of messages displayed.

    Allowed values: 1–9999

    The oldest messages are always given priority.

  • Message

    Free text search. The system searches for the string you enter here in the Messages column and filters the list according to the search result.

Detaching the Messages Pane

By default the Messages pane is displayed inline at the bottom of the main page. You can detach it by clicking pane detach button; this opens a dedicated browser window with the list of messages. Click the icon to attach it again.


The Settings button opens a dialog where you can define which and how many messages will be displayed.

The options that you can see in Scope depend on your user privileges:

  • To see the Client you need the View all messages from own client privilege.
  • To see the Current user and user group you need the View messages from own User Group privilege .

If you activate the Show unread administrator and security messages at next logon checkbox, administrator and security messages that occur while you are not logged in will be displayed in a separate dialog the next time you log in to the application if no other user has read them yet.

See also: