Minimum Required Authorizations

To guarantee that users have access to the standard Automation Engine functions they must work with, you must grant them a minimum set of authorizations. This topic collects multiple user scenarios and describes the authorizations they need.

This page includes the following:

Executing Jobs

The Automation Engine is supplied with standard, platform-specific Include objects (JOBI) in Client 0 that are used by Job objects (JOBS) during their generation stage. They are Header, Trailer and Restart Includes, which, depending on the job definition, retrieve activation data, evaluate variable settings, prepare messages for the target system, facilitate the log on/off in the target system, requests the Job report, etc.

To be able to execute Job objects, users need the right to Execute (X) those Include objects.

For a complete list of the Include objects, see Include Objects in Headers and Trailers.

Workflow Pre-Conditions and Post-Conditions

The Automation Engine is supplied with predefined conditions and with actions that can be used in pre-conditions and post-conditions in Workflows. Some of them use special internal Include (JOBI), PromtSet (PRPT) and Variable (VARA) objects. These Automation Engine internal objects are available on Client 0. Their name starts with XC_*.

To be able to use those conditions and actions, users need Read (R) rights to those internal JOBI, PRPT and VARA objects.

Authorizations on the UC_ECC_PLUGINS STORE Object

Upon installation, the Automic Web Interface automatically loads the standard plug-ins, which are delivered with AWI in the WEB-INF\autoinstall folder).

When installing additional plug-ins and bundles, such as Release Automation solutions, Package Manager plug-ins or other content from, the related files are uploaded to a standard Storage (STORE) object called UC_ECC_PLUGINS that is available in Client 0. This object describes which bundles should be enabled for the user and is read on each login.

For users to be able to work with objects that are related to these bundles and plug-ins, they must have Read (R) rights on the UC_ECC_PLUGINS Storage object. Otherwise, they will be able to open them and see their standard definition pages (for example General, Version Management, Documentation, etc.) but not the object-specific ones (for example in the case of a WebServices job, the Web Service page).