Working with Widgets
Widgets are based on templates (widget types) that are predefined for a certain type of data and presentation and that can be customized. You can modify the settings of a widget, copy, cut and paste it.
This topic describes the available options:
Working with the Widget Toolbar
Click on a widget header to activate it. Activated widgets are highlighted and the widget toolbar on their upper right corner is displayed. The toolbar is also visible if you just hover your mouse over the widget.
The widget toolbar contains the following buttons:
Click it to open a tooltip with details on the contents of the widget and a short description of the possible actions.
Click it to maximize the widget and open a pane on the lower half of the screen displaying tabs where you can change the settings of the widget. The available tabs and options depend on the type of widget.
Each widget shows either information content or aggregated and compiled data, typically presented as a chart or as a list. The settings that can be applied to a widget depend entirely on their type, however, the following are common to all (or most of them):
You can modify the Title that is displayed on the header of the widget. If you do not enter anything here, the default is the name of the widget type.
Write a title that helps users easily recognize its contents. This is helpful if there are multiple widgets of the same type on a dashboard.
Description (for most Widgets)
This text will be displayed in a tool-tip when you click the information icon on the widget toolbar. If you leave this field empty, the default description is displayed.
Refresh Frequency (for most Widgets)
For some widgets you can set the interval in which the content of the widget is updated. Independently of your definition here, you can always refresh your view clicking the refresh button on the dashboard toolbar.
Certain widgets allow you to modify the filter that restricts the data to be displayed.
Maximize and minimize
Click it to maximize (full screen) or minimize the widget.
Click it to remove the widget from the dashboard.
Linking to Entities
Widgets do not simply display data, they also provide links. For example, if you click on any task in the Activities widget, you will open to its Executions view in the Process Monitoring perspective. Or if you are using the Process Monitoring widget, clicking on a task opens it in the perspective.
Copying, Cutting and Pasting
Right-click on the widget header to open a context menu displaying the Cut and Copy options. They allow you to move it to another place in the dashboard or to a different dashboard altogether.
Within a dashboard, you can also use the drag and drop function to move it.
Refreshing the Data in Analytics Widgets
To make sure that the data is up-to-date, when you configure your widgets you can specify a refresh interval. This is the time interval at which the data in the widget will be refreshed automatically.
The Refresh Frequency option is available for all Analytics widgets.
See also: