Use the CHANGE_LOGGING script function to have the log file changed. The administrator can define system-wide settings for the number of days, or the size of the log file (in MB) that trigger a log-file change in the UC_SYSTEM_SETTINGS variable. Temporary changes that apply until your system restarts can be set in the Properties tab of the Administration perspective. The place where the log files are stored is determined in the INI file of the server or agents.




    Causes the log file to be changed

  • Component
    Name of the component whose log file should be changed
    Format: AE name or script variable
    You can specify the following components

    • communication process
    • work process
      Important! Even if you change the log file of only one work process, this automatically applies to all work processes.
    • agent
    • agent group
      Important! If you define an agent group, the log files of all corresponding agents change. An error number is not returned if one of the agents is inactive and the log file cannot be changed.

Return Codes

The script function has the following return codes:

  • 0
    The log file has successfully been changed
  • 20223
    The specified agent group does not exist
  • 20722
    The indicated server process, agent or agent group does not exist or is inactive


The following example changes the log file of all work processes.


See also: