Use the :INCLUDE script statement to call an Include object from a different object. Whenever an object containing this script statement is activated, the script stored in the Include object is inserted.

Many objects require identical processing steps in their scripts. Include objects let you write reusable script blocks so you do not have to repeatedly write the same scripts. For more information, see Includes (JOBI).



:INC[LUDE] Include object [oldString = newString][,NOFOUND=IGNORE][,EXT_REPORT=OFF]


    Calls an Include object

  • Include object
    Name of the Include object to call
    Enter the full name of the Include object. You cannot use script variables.

  • oldString = newString
    (Optional) Replace a string in the script of the Include object with a new string
    Note: Replacements are only valid for the current generation, and do not change the Include object itself.
    Format: script literal
    Maximum length: 50 characters

    (Optional) No error occurs if the specified Include object is not found.

    (Optional) Omits Include object contents from logging in extended reports, and prints a command line instead


The following statement calls an Include object called MM.FILEASSIGNMENTS.


The following statement calls the same object and specifies a new name.


The following example calls a user Include. If the object is not found, no error occurs.


The following example suppresses the logging of the contents of the Include object in the extended reports. 


See also:


Reusing Script Components