CONS Events

As a developer and object designer you define Console Events to monitor the content of the messages, message queues, and so on, returned by the console (the target system). Use Console Events to check whether a particular string of characters is present in the messages, at specific intervals and, optionally, at certain dates or times. If the conditions you define on the Eventpage are met, the Console Event triggers the actions that you define on its Event Process page. These actions are usually the execution of further objects. Console Events are in Sleeping status as long as the frequency and time conditions are not met. The status changes to Checking when the conditions are met.

You can use the following functions of the Automation Engine scripting language to retrieve relevant data for the Event object:

Monitored Agents

Console Event objects monitor the output and messages returned by the following Agents:

  • BS2000

    Console output

    Requirement: Install the UCXEB2xU utility for the console, which should run parallel to the BS2000 Agent.

  • z/OS

    Console output. Multiple Console Support - MCS.

  • OS/400

    Message queue

  • SAP Events

    • ABAP event history

    • XI communication channels (status changes)

    • Java event history

  • Windows Event Viewer

Defining CONSOLE Events

On the File Event page that is described here, you define what the FILE Event object should check. On its Event Process Page, you define the actions that it will trigger if the conditions are met.

To Define CONSOLE Event Objects

  1. Select the Event to monitor.

    In the Console Event section you enter the properties that identify the event that you want to monitor using this object.

    1. Specify the Agent and source details of the events to be monitored.

      In Agent do one of the following:

      • Select an entry from the list.
      • Either type the name of the Agent or enter a variable that retrieves it name and select the appropriate Agent Type.

        Use this option if the Agent is not assigned to the current Client but to Client 0 and is therefore not listed here.

      Depending on the Agent you have selected, the rest of the fields in this section vary.

      For more information see:

    2. In the Events table, specify the conditions that the monitored console output should meet for the actions in the Event Process page to be triggered.

      Allowed wildcard characters: * (any number of characters) and ? (one specific character)

      Depending on the selected Agent, enter the following parameters:

      • BS2000

        In the Events table enter the string of characters that the Event should search for.

      • OS/390

        • System Name

          Filter for the user-defined system name that is used to distinguish various OS instances

          Maximum length: 8 characters.

        • Set a filter for the OS Nameas defined by IBM. Currently, it is always MVS.

          Maximum length: 8 characters.

        • Job Name

          Jobs to monitor

          Maximum length: 32 characters.

        • Message Filter

          String to search for

          Important! The string must always start with a wildcard character.

        Note: To monitor the console output (Multiple Console Support - MCS) in z/OS, install the Event Monitor UCXEMxx. Start it with a corresponding entry in the INI file of the z/OS Agent.

      • OS/400

        In OS/400 you can monitor message queues. You define the queue in the INI file of the OS/400 Agent.

        Allowed Severity values: 0 to 999

      • SAP

        The SAP Console event distinguishes several data sources:

        • ABAP event history

          • Event ID

            Filter for the name of the SAP ABAP event.

          • Event Parameter

            Filter for the parameter of the SAP ABAP event.

          • Event Server

            Filter for the batch server name of the SAP ABAP event.

        • Notes:

          • You require XBP 3.0 to monitor SAP events. Specify the XBP interface version that is used in the SAP Connection (CONN). For more information, see Monitoring SAP Events.

          • The Agent periodically polls the SAP system for occurred SAP events and reports them to the active Console events.

            The administrator can define the required interval using the JOB_CHECKINTERVAL key in the UC_HOSTCHAR_DEFAULT variable. For more information, see UC_HOSTCHAR_DEFAULT - Host Characteristics.

          • Use the SM64 transaction to create a criteria profile for the Event History.

          • The GET_EVENT_INFO script function provides additional information about the SAP event. For more information, see GET_CONSOLE, GET_EVENT_INFO.

        • XI communication channels

          • Login

            Object that contains the credentials for the XI object
            The Login object overrules the data specified in the Connection (CONN) object.

            Important! Use different Login objects for SAP and XI systems if both are installed on the same Agent, otherwise the login entry would not be unique.

          • In Channel, Partner and Service specify the event filter.

            Allowed wildcard character: *

          • State

            Possible values: ERROR, OK, INACTIVE, UNKNOWN and UNREGISTERED

          • Activation state

            Possible values: STARTED and STOPPED

          The filter list describes the nominal status of one or several communication channels. An event is triggered for each communication channel that

          • does not meet the nominal status when the Event object starts
          • switches to a different status (whether nominal or a different one)

          No event is triggered if the communication channel meets the nominal condition when the Event object starts.

          You can use the GET_EVENT_INFO script function on the Event Process page to provide additional information about the XI communication channel. For more information, see GET_CONSOLE, GET_EVENT_INFO.

        • Java event history

          • Event Type

            Filter for the type of SAP Java Scheduler event
            The content of this list is retrieved from the UC_SAP_XJBP_EVENTTYPES variable, which is available in Client 0. The Variable object is supplied with all possible event types. Do not modify this Variable object. For more information, see UC_SAP_JXBP_EVENTTYPES - Event Types of the Java Scheduler in SAP.

          • Event Parameter

            Filter for the parameters of the SAP Java Scheduler event

            Allowed wildcard characters: * (any number of characters) and ? (one specific character)

          • Event Additional Parameter

            Filter for additional parameters of the SAP Java Scheduler event

            Allowed wildcard characters: * (any number of characters) and ? (one specific character)

      • Windows

        In Windows, you monitor the Windows Event Viewer.

        To react to particular messages, analyze the Event Viewer. The event details provide the required entries. Double-click to open the entries.

        Message texts in Microsoft Windows consist of static and variable parts. The event only supplies the variable message parts. If you use a message filter, the event only reacts if variable message parts are searched. For more information, see GET_WIN_EVENT.

        • Type

          Log to monitor

        • Source

          Source of the Windows event

        • Category

          Defined by the category that has logged the event
          Combines events of the same category value.

          Allowed characters: Numeric.

          Enter 0 if you do not want to filter by category.

        • Event ID

          Enter 0 if you do not want to filter by event ID.

        • Type

          Type of Windows event to monitor

        • User

          User to whom the Windows event is assigned

        • Message Filter

          String to search for in the output

  2. In Frequency define how often the Event object should be activated:

    • Repeatedly

      Activates the Event object periodically, depending on the setting you define below

    • Repeat until first match

      Activates the Event object until the specified conditions apply

  3. Specify when the Event object should be activated.

    The Time and Date Conditions are always checked. An event will only be triggered in one of the following cases:

    • At least one of the conditions is met.
    • No condition has been defined here.

    The Time Zone assigned to the event is considered as well. This means that activating an event and specifying a logical time does not make sense.

    See Tables On Pages.

  4. Switch to the Event Process Page to define the actions that the Event will trigger.

Activating/Executing and Monitoring the CONS Event

Execute the Event object to activate it.

The execution of an Event object triggers the execution of other objects, which in turn trigger the execution of further tasks. The tasks resulting from these executions are displayed in the Process Monitoring perspective on the various lists of Executions related to the Event object. They are children of the Event task and are flagged with a special tag type called !EVNT. The tag lets you check which executions were triggered by a specific Event. For more information, see Monitoring Events and Execution Data.

Execute Event objects in the following ways:

  • Include Event objects in Schedules (JSCH) to execute them automatically at predefined times and/or intervals.

  • Insert Event objects in Workflows (see Workflows (JOBP)).

  • Manually execute, restart or stop Event objects. For more information, see Executing Events.

To check the number of times the system checked the Event, go to the Check count section in the Details of the object. For more information, see Viewing Object and Task Details.

Monitor the Event

Immediately after executing the object, you can start monitoring the Event. Right-click the object and select Monitoring, Show in Process Monitoring and open the pre-filtered list of tasks to display the task. Follow the progress of the task and access reports and statistical information in the Process Monitoring perspective.

You can stop active Events in the following ways:

  • cancel the Event
    Status: Abend/manually canceled
  • Quit the Event
    Status: Ended_OK
  • Suspend the Event
    Event remains active, but temporarily disabled

For more information, see Working with Tasks, particularly Stopping and Interrupting.

See also: