Upgrading the Analytics Backend/IA Agent

This topic describes how to upgrade Analytics manually in an on-premises Automic Automation system. This topic does not apply for Automic Automation Kubernetes Edition (AAKE) systems. If you are migrating Automic Automation from an earlier version to an AAKE system, see Container-Based System Upgrade - Automic Automation Kubernetes Edition.


  • The relevant upgrade packages can be downloaded from Automic downloads page and from our marketplace at https://marketplace.automic.com/

  • If you are upgrading from Automic Systemv12.2 ( Analytics v1.0.3) to v12.3 ( Analytics v2.3) and would like to install the Streaming Platform and the Event Engine, see the manual installation document for each individual component:

  • As of this version, the communication Automation Engine, the Automic Web Interface, the Java API, and the Proxy Client as well as between the AE and the Windows, UNIX and Java Agents uses TLS/SSL through a secure WebSocket (WSS). These components establish a connection with the Java communication process (JCP) and/or the REST process (REST). These server processes use trusted certificates to prove their identity to other communication partners, such as Agents.

    Non-TLS/SSL Agents, such as BS2000, NSK, OS/400, VMS and z/OS, still connect to a communication process (CP). The communication between a TLS/SSL and a non-TLS/SSL Agent can be established using the TLS Gateway.

    More information:

Mapping Versions of Analytics Backend and Automic Automation

The following section outlines the mapping between the Analytics Backend component and Automic Automation:

  • Backend 1.0x = 12.0 Automic Workload Automation

  • Backend 2.0.x = 12.1.0 Automic Workload Automation

  • Backend 2.1.x = 12.1.1+ Automic Workload Automation

  • Backend 2.2.x = 12.2 Automic Workload Automation

  • Backend 2.3.x = 12.3.x Automic Automation

  • Backend 21.0.0 = 21.0.x Automic Automation

Upgrading the Analytics Backend/IA Agent from v2.3.x to v21.0.0

Important! Make sure you fulfill the requirements for the TLS/SSL configuration of the Automation Engine before upgrading it to v21.0. Also, since AWI as of v21 connects to the new JCP, make sure you have all the relevant certificates in place. For more information, see Securing Connections to the AE (TLS/SSL) and TLS/SSL Certificate Considerations.

The relevant Analytics upgrade packages can be downloaded from Automic downloads page and from our marketplace at https://marketplace.automic.com/.

Make sure you read the release notes and check if the properties files require any change before upgrading the Analytics Backend/IA Agent. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Stop the Backend/IA Agent.

  2. Upgrade the AE from v12.3 to v21.0. Make sure you fulfill all TLS/SSL requirements and have the necessary certificates in place.

  3. Replace the 2.3.x Analytics Backend jar file with the 21.0.0 jar file.

  4. Adapt the INI file of the Backend/IA Agent to connect to port of the new Java communication process (JCP), see Types of Server Processes.

  5. Start the Backend/IA Agent.

    The Analytics Backend starts up and runs as part of the IA Agent. The Analytics Datastore is migrated to the new schema, which can take some time, depending on the amount of data migrated. The Agent establishes the connection to the AE mentioned in the INI file.

  6. Upgrade AWI from v12.3 to v21.0. Since the new version of AWI connects to the new Java communication process (JCP), make sure you fulfill all TLS/SSL requirements and have the necessary certificates in place.

  7. Install the new Analytics UI Plug-in (and Rules UI Plug-in if needed). To do so, extract the webui-plugin-analytics.jar file from the download package and copy it to the AWI_ROOT_FOLDER/WEBINF/autoinstall folder.


  • Make sure you remove the existing webui-plugin-analytics.jar file before copying the new one.

  • If required, update the configuration in AWI_ROOT_FOLDER/config/awi-plugins-reporting/reporting.properties.

Upgrading the Analytics Backend/IA Agent from v2.2.x to v21.0.0

Important! Make sure you fulfill the requirements for the TLS/SSL configuration of the Automation Engine before upgrading it to v21.0. Also, since AWI as of v21 connects to the new JCP, make sure you have all the relevant certificates in place. For more information, see Securing Connections to the AE (TLS/SSL) and TLS/SSL Certificate Considerations.

The relevant Analytics upgrade packages can be downloaded from Automic downloads page and from our marketplace at https://marketplace.automic.com/.

Make sure you read the release notes and check if the properties files require any change before upgrading the Analytics Backend/IA Agent. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Stop the Backend/IA Agent.

  2. Upgrade the AE from v12.2 to v21.0. Make sure you fulfill all TLS/SSL requirements and have the necessary certificates in place.

  3. Replace the 2.2.x Analytics Backend jar file with the 21.0.0 jar file.

  4. Adapt the INI file of the Backend/IA Agent to connect to port of the new Java communication process (JCP), see Types of Server Processes.

  5. Start the Backend/IA Agent.

    The Analytics Backend starts up and runs as part of the IA Agent. The Analytics Datastore is migrated to the new schema, which can take some time, depending on the amount of data migrated. The Agent establishes the connection to the AE mentioned in the INI file.

  6. Upgrade AWI from v12.2 to v21.0

  7. Install the new Analytics UI Plug-in (and Rules UI Plug-in if needed). To do so, extract the webui-plugin-analytics.jar file from the download package and copy it to the AWI_ROOT_FOLDER/WEBINF/autoinstall folder.


  • Make sure you remove the existing webui-plugin-analytics.jar file before copying the new one.

  • If required, update the configuration in AWI_ROOT_FOLDER/config/awi-plugins-reporting/reporting.properties.

Upgrading the Analytics Backend/IA Agent from v2.1.x to v21.0.0

Important! Make sure you fulfill the requirements for the TLS/SSL configuration of the Automation Engine before upgrading it to v21.0. Also, since AWI as of v21 connects to the new JCP, make sure you have all the relevant certificates in place. For more information, see Securing Connections to the AE (TLS/SSL) and TLS/SSL Certificate Considerations.

The relevant Analytics upgrade packages can be downloaded from Automic downloads page and from our marketplace at https://marketplace.automic.com/.

Make sure you read the release notes and check if the properties files require any change before upgrading the Analytics Backend/IA Agent. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Stop the Backend/IA Agent.

  2. Upgrade the AE from v12.1 to v21.0. Make sure you fulfill all TLS/SSL requirements and have the necessary certificates in place.

  3. Replace the 2.1.x Analytics Backend jar file with the 21.0.0 jar file.

  4. Adapt the INI file of the Backend/IA Agent to connect to port of the new Java communication process (JCP), see Types of Server Processes.

  5. Start the Backend/IA Agent.

    The Analytics Backend starts up and runs as part of the IA Agent. The Analytics Datastore is migrated to the new schema, which can take some time, depending on the amount of data migrated. The Agent establishes the connection to the AE mentioned in the INI file.

  6. Upgrade AWI from v12.1 to v21.0. Since the new version of AWI connects to the new Java communication process (JCP), make sure you fulfill all TLS/SSL requirements and have the necessary certificates in place.

  7. Install the new Analytics UI Plug-in (and Rules UI Plug-in if needed). To do so, extract the webui-plugin-analytics.jar file from the download package and copy it to the AWI_ROOT_FOLDER/WEBINF/autoinstall folder.


  • Make sure you remove the existing webui-plugin-analytics.jar file before copying the new one.

  • If required, update the configuration in AWI_ROOT_FOLDER/config/awi-plugins-reporting/reporting.properties.

Upgrading the Analytics Backend/IA Agent from v2.0.x to v21.0.0

Important! Make sure you fulfill the requirements for the TLS/SSL configuration of the Automation Engine before upgrading it to v21.0. Also, since AWI as of v21 connects to the new JCP, make sure you have all the relevant certificates in place. For more information, see Securing Connections to the AE (TLS/SSL) and TLS/SSL Certificate Considerations.

The relevant Analytics upgrade packages can be downloaded from Automic downloads page and from our marketplace at https://marketplace.automic.com/.

Make sure you read the release notes and check if the properties files require any change before upgrading the Analytics Backend/IA Agent. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Stop the Backend/IA Agent.

  2. Upgrade the AE from v12.0 to v21.0. Make sure you fulfill all TLS/SSL requirements and have the necessary certificates in place.

  3. Replace the 2.0.xAnalytics Backend jar file with the 21.0.0 jar file.

  4. Adapt the INI file of the Backend/IA Agent to connect to port of the new Java communication process (JCP), see Types of Server Processes.

  5. Start the Backend/IA Agent.

    The Analytics Backend starts up and runs as part of the IA Agent. The Analytics Datastore is migrated to the new schema, which can take some time, depending on the amount of data migrated. The Agent establishes the connection to the AE mentioned in the INI file.

  6. Upgrade AWI from v12.0 to v21.0. Since the new version of AWI connects to the new Java communication process (JCP), make sure you fulfill all TLS/SSL requirements and have the necessary certificates in place.

  7. Install the new Analytics UI Plug-in (and Rules UI Plug-in if needed). To do so, extract the webui-plugin-analytics.jar file from the download package and copy it to the AWI_ROOT_FOLDER/WEBINF/autoinstall folder.


  • Make sure you remove the existing webui-plugin-analytics.jar file before copying the new one.

  • If required, update the configuration in AWI_ROOT_FOLDER/config/awi-plugins-reporting/reporting.properties.