Installing the Agent for z/OS

This page guides you through the installation of a z/OS Agent in an Automation Engine system in which authentication is not used. Additional installation steps are required before the agent can be started and used if you intend to use one of the available authentication methods. For more information, see Agent Authentication.


The Agent is started in a SYSPLEX and each LPAR must run an Event Monitor. The Agent is responsible for the communication to the Automation Engine, carrying out the File Transfer, and connects to all Event Monitors. If there is an LPAR problem, you can start the Agent on another LPAR (for example, automatically with WLM rules) and all Event Monitors directly reconnect to the Agent again.

The Event Monitor monitors Job, CONS and FILE events and forwards them to the Automation Engine via the Agent.


The following requirements must be met:

  • JES2 or JES3
  • TCP/IP V3R2M0 or later
  • APF authorization for the load library
  • C runtime library version V1R5M0 or later
  • An MSGCLASS in HOLD status that does not call a subsequent program (external writer)
  • UPDATE access for JESSPOOL RACF Class (in order to process Job outputs)
  • A file qualifier for temporary files, logs and traces


This section describes a regular z/OS Agent installation. The SMP/E installation must be carried out by the z/OS software maintenance team.

You may use the SMP/E by IBM in order to install and maintain the z/OS agent, the CallAPI, the External Job Monitor and the Event Monitor. The z/OS agent is also delivered in the Sysmod format.

For more information about CallAPI files and their implementation, see CallAPI for z/OS.

Load Module

  • CADSDEL: Utility used to release a Common Dataspace (CADS) allocated by the Event Monitor
  • UC4END: End messenger for the SMF messenger technique (writes the StepList and return codes to the JESMSGLG)
  • UC4RESTR: Restart messenger for the SMF messenger technique (dummy program such as IEFBR14)
  • UC4START: Start messenger for the SMF messenger technique (dummy program such as IEFBR14)

Connecting to the Automation Engine

Important! The Automation Engine uses TLS/SSL to communicate only with the Windows, UNIX, and Java Agents. This particular Agent is not a TLS/SSL Agent and therefore connects to a communication process (CP) and uses non-TLS/SSL encryption. The communication between a TLS/SSL and a non-TLS/SSL Agent can be established using the TLS Gateway.

More information:

Non-TLS/SSL Agents, when used for the Automic Automation Kubernetes Edition, establish a connection to a TCP load balancer, which must be reachable for the Agent. The address of the load balancer must be defined on both sides: the Automation Engine and the Agent.

Important! When you install or upgrade Agents manually for an Automic Automation Kubernetes Edition system, you have to make sure that you configure your Agents and/or TLS Gateway to reach the TCP or HTTPS load balancer and not the CP or JCP directly. Also, make sure that your HTTPS load balancer has the required certificates in place. For more information, see Connecting to the AAKE Cluster.

Installing the Agent for z/OS

  1. Transfer the files to the host. On the host, use a file transfer to move the relevant files from IMAGE:AGENTS\MVS\.

    Open the host and use a FTP user with the appropriate rights. Make sure you transfer the files correctly.

    • User name=UC4

    • Password: <as defined>

    UNIX Example

    quote site recfm=fb lrecl=80 blksize=6080
    quote site pri=1 sec=1 CY
    put UCXJM25-???.bin 'UC4.UCXJX.WORK'
    quote site lrecl=500 blksize=27500
    put UCXJM25.ini 'UC4.UCXJM25.INI'
    put UCXEM25.ini 'UC4.UCXEM25.INI'
    quote site recfm=vb lrecl=500 blksize=27998
    put ucx.msl 'UC4.UC.MSL'

    Note: The ucx.msl and INI files are delivered with LF EOL format (UNIX/Linux encoding). However, some FTP Clients on Windows require the CRLF EOL format. To make sure you use the correct EOL format for Windows you could, for example, use a file editor to change LF to CRLF or use the appropriate function of your FTP client.

  2. Create the load library using the TSO RECEIVE utility. The parameters in bold are system-specific.

    //SYSTSIN  DD  *
      DSNAME ('UC4.UCXJM25.LOAD') -
      DSNAME ('UC4.UCXJM25.LOAD') -
      UNIT(3390) VOLUME (??????)

    Optionally, you can also create the load library on the z/OS host as follows:

    TSO RECEIVE indsn('UC4.UCXJX.WORK'), press enter and type dsname('UC4.UCXJM25.LOAD').

  3. You must have APF authorization for the load library. It must be assigned or can be added dynamically to the system console. To do so, use the following command on the host:

  4. Create the started task for the agent.

    1. User, groups and data set profiles

      The user under which the agent runs requires the relevant rights for data sets via the user or group definition. You can use the data set profiles to assign the respective rights. The AE data set qualifier requires alter rights.

      Note: The agent requires rights for all data sets to be used.

    2. OMVS Segment (TCP/IP authorization)

      Make sure that the OMVS rights are specified in the user and default group.

    3. General resource

      Usually, there is a general resource for started tasks (STC). You can assign general rights here to enable the agent program to run as a STC. You can also define the user to be used to run the agent (STDATA).

    4. Required and recommended RACF settings

      The following RACF settings are required if the USS file system is used:

      • FACILITY class BPX.DAEMON profile with UACC(READ)

      • PROGRAM class * profile, MEMBER(loadlib//NOPADCHK)

      The following RACF settings are recommended to use the ft_thread_level_security= parameter of the INI file of the z/OS agent (see Agent z/OS).

      The agent user needs:

      • OMVS segment

      • FACILITY BPX.DAEMON FACILITY class resource with Read access

      • FACILITY BPX.SERVER FACILITY class resource with Read access

      • FACILITY BPX.WLMSERVER FACILITY class resource with Read access

      • SUPERUSER.FILESYS.CHOWN UNXPRIV class resource with Read access

      • BPX.SRV.loginUid SURROGAT class resource with Read access for all logins

      The login user needs:

      • OMVS segment

      • OMVSAPPL APPL class resource with Read access

      • BPX.SRV.loginUid SURROGAT class resource where the agent user has Read access (mentioned above)

      Example of a started task

      //UC4RUN PROC
      //STDOUT   DD SYSOUT=*
    5. Authorize started tasks to read JES lists.

    6. Include the following files in the link chain:

      • CEE.V1R5M0.SCEERUN: Language Environment dynamic runtime library

      • CEE.V1R5M0.SCEELKED: Language Environment linkage editor library

      • TCPIP.V3R1.SEZACMTX: TCP/IP runtime library

      Important! If you do not want to interfere with your system as described, you can specify the LOAD library in the STEPLIB, but also in the DD card EDCMTF of the C-environment. For more information, see the STEPLIB DD statement in the IBM documentation.

    7. If the MVS or Language Environment Resolver do not work correctly, make sure that the DD statements are included in the started task. Otherwise, the agent cannot establish a TCP/IP connection.



      You can find complete statements in the TCP/IP of the started task.

      Important! The DD statements for TCP/IP must also be included in the Include object. Otherwise, the Job Messenger cannot open a TCP/IP connection and the jobs will receive the status ENDED_VANISHED

    8. Copy the procedure UC4RUN to a procedure library such as SYS1.PROCLIB.

    9. The following authorizations are required for the STC user in RACF:

      • OMVS segment

      • ALTER authorization for own data sets (for example, UC4.*)

      • Started tasks require the appropriate authorization to read JES lists

    10. Generate the data sets for the Status Store.


      //SYSIN    DD *
       DEFINE -
         CLUSTER ( -
            NAME(UC4.UCXJM25.SSTORE) - 
      	  INDEXED -
      	  VOLUMES(volume) -
      	  CYLINDERS(10 5) -
      	  ) -
         DATA ( -
            NAME(UC4.UCXJM25.SSTORE.DATA) -
      	  KEYS(20 0) -
      	  RECORDSIZE(256 4096) -
      	  FREESPACE(10 10) -
      	  ) -
         INDEX ( -
            NAME(UC4.UCXJM25.SSTORE.INDEX) -
      //* Load a dummy record
      //SYSIN     DD *
      //IN1       DD *

    Transfer information for every data set and/or file is stored as a record in the VSAM data set. The size of the information record varies depending on the data set and file size. 260 bytes is an average size. The suggested space values are 10,5 cylinders = (10 + 15 * 5) * 849,960 bytes ~ 75.553 kilobyte, which should be enough for approximately 282k transfer entries.

  5. The agent runs on the host as a started task. The supplied files include a JCL example. Copy this JCL to a procedure library and specify the name for the INI file and the load library.

  6. Set up the system environment in the host:

    • Adjust the INI file accordingly. It must not use the file attribute NUMBER ON, see Agent z/OS

    • Adjust the HEADER.MVS, TRAILER.MVS and RESTART.MVS as required, see Executing Jobs.

  7. Start the agent:

    1. Make sure the Automation Engine is running on the server computer, see Multi-Server Operations.

    2. On the host, use start UC4RUN through the system console. An Agent object is automatically created in the system client 0 and stored in the HOST folder.

    3. In AWI, client 0, verify that the Agent is logged on to the Automation Engine.

      Newly logged on Agents are not assigned to a client automatically and can only be viewed in Client 0. Once you have logged in to Client 0, access the Administration perspective and select Agents & Groups.

      Assign the new Agent to clients with the required rights using the Agent object definition. For more information, see Authorizations Page.

  8. On the host, quit the agent's started task through the system console using a MODIFY command, such as modify UC4RUN,end. You can also use the STOP command stop UC4RUN. To stop the agent and all connected Event Monitors you can use the MODIFY command UC4RUN,shutdown.

  9. Create the started task for the Event Monitor.

    1. Adjust the INI file of the Event Monitor, see z/OS Event Monitor.

    2. Create a separate INI data set for each LPAR UC4.UCXEM25.INI -> UC4.UCXEM25.INI.SYSID.

    3. Create the Automation Engine started task for the Event Monitor.


    4. Create the UCEVENT data set for each LPAR.


      //* Create Data sets for UC4 EventMonitor
      //*. -----------------------------------
      //SYSIN    DD *
       DEFINE -
         CLUSTER ( -
      	  INDEXED -
      	  VOLUMES(volume) -
      	  TRACKS(1 1) -
      	  ) -
         DATA ( -
      	  KEYS(20 0) -
      	  RECORDSIZE(1024 1024) -
      	  FREESPACE(10 5) -
      	  ) -
         INDEX ( -
      //* ----------------------------------- 
      //SYSIN     DD *
      //IN1       DD *
    5. Use the command start UC4EMRUN to start the Event Monitor.

    6. Use the MODIFY command UC4EMRUN,end to end the Event Monitor. In this case, the STC is stopped while the SMF Exit remains active. Upon starting the Event Monitor again, all missed SMF records are processed. You can also use the MODIFY commands UC4EMRUN,shutdown or UC4EMRUN,end. In this case, both STC and SMF are stopped.


      • If the MVS Extended Console is protected, the RACF authorization READ is required to run the Event Monitor.
      • In case the agent is upgraded from a previous version, we recommend reinitializing the UCEVENT and the filter datasets.

See also: