Utility DB Unload

Structure of the INI File ucybdbun.ini

Parameter Name Description
language =

The Language(s) in which the log messages are displayed.Always a pair of languages separated by comma enclosed in brackets.

if a message text is not available in the primary language the secondary language will be taken.


  • E: english
  • D: german
  • F: french

Default: (E,D)

logging =

Full file name pattern for log file names

$$ is replaced by the purpose of a Process (CP or WP or JWP or DBSERVICE). No replacements in other components

* is replaced by the 3 digit number of a Worker Process.

## is replaced by the log file sequence number after the existing log files' corresponding numbers have been raised by one during startup of the component.

z/OS components only:

If you comment this parameter, this log file is stored in JES. Also refer to the parameter logpurgeclass= which is described below.

The following parameters can be added if the log is written to a dataset (after the dataset name and separated by semicolons):

"recfm" = (all 27 z/OS plus * and A record formats are valid)

"lrecl" = (0, each positive number up to 32760 and X for each reclen)

"blksize" = (0, each positive number up to 32760)

"space" = ([CYL,TRK],(prim,sec,directory))

AE and Java components only:

Logging to standard output can be enabled by setting the value to CON:

For relative path indications the system uses the installation directory when creating files.

For BS2000/OSD Operation System the name may be specified with or without User ID. If without User ID the log file is written to the user ID under which the component has been started

Default: ..\temp\ucybdbun_log_##.txt

logCount =

number of log files being kept on disk

Default: 10

helplib =

name of the message text library

may have different names dependent on platform rules.

Default: uc.msl

helpcache =

Availability of the messages and language dependent strings.


  • ALL: The complete message file is held in the RAM.
  • NONE: Always read from the hard drive.
  • CONTROLS: All language dependant strings that are necessary in order to display the dialog program are held in the RAM (not relevant for the Automation Engine).

Default: ALL

reorg_Commit_sleep =

The waiting time in milliseconds after the data records have been deleted.

This specification can be used to avoid that the database is permanently blocked. The number of data records is defined with CommitCount=.

Default: 100

output =

The path and the name of the file that contains the unloaded data.

Default: ..\db\uc_data.txt

path =

Start path for the component.

Default: .

cmd =

Command line call command for starting the component.

For the explanation of the command line arguments refer to http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/tools/windows/java.html

Default: "javaw" -cp .;.\lookandfeel.jar -jar ucybdbun.jar

title =

String pattern of window title for end recognition

This parameter serves internal purpose. The value must not be changed.

Default: UCYBDBUn

CommitCount =

The number of data records that should be deleted at once.

Default: 100

docu_path =

The directory in which the help system is installed.

Default: ..\..\Documentation\uc4\webhelp

file =

The path and the file name of the trace file.

Any file name for a text file with several place holders for current system information:

$$ is replaced by server process type (WP or CP) in the context of a server process.

* is replaced by the three-digit process number in the context of a server process.

## is replaced by 00 after the available trace files' corresponding numbers have been raised by one during startup of a trace.

xxx is replaced by the three-digit abbreviation of the respective unix version (unix agent only).

z/OS components only:

The following parameters can be added (after the dataset name and separated by semicolons) if the log is written to a dataset:

"recfm" = (all 27 record formats of z/OS plus * and A are valid)

"lrecl" = (0, each positive number up to 32760 and X for each reclen)

"blksize" = (0, each positive number up to 32760)

"space" = ([CYL,TRK],(prim,sec,directory))

AE and Java components only:

Tracing to standard output can be enabled by setting the value to CON:

Currently the External Monitoring Interface (EMI) does not produce any trace regardless of the settings here.

For BS2000/OSD the name might be specified with or without user ID. If without the trace file is written to the user ID under which the component has been started.

Default: ..\temp\ucybdbun_trace_##.txt

trccount =

Number of stored trace files

Default: 10

database =



  • 0: no trace
  • 1: SQL
  • 2: OPC
  • 3: Bind parameters
  • 4: Data fields

Default: 0

level =



  • 0: no
  • 1: Basic trace
  • 2: Function level
  • 3: Section Level
  • 4: Everything

Default: 0

[ ODBC ]
sqlDriverConnect =

Connection String for the database.

General format of the connection string is "OBDCVAR=<cmd>,<odbc-string>"

Maximum length: 256 characters

<cmd> is an eight figure command field for controlling database accesses like follows

1. Position = N - Do not use server cursor.

1. Position = S - Use server cursor (MS SQL Server 2000).

2. Position = N - Do not reestablish database connection after 1000 commits.

2. Position = D - Disconnect database after 1000 commits (perhaps due to memory problems).

3. Position = N - Field names are compared case-sensitively (Oracle).

3. Position = J - Field names are compared case-insensitively (Oracle).

4. Position = N - Not used.

5. Position = N - Type of database connection: ODBC.

5. Position = I - Type of database connection: OCI/CLI.

6. Position = N - Database access without User ID.

6. Position = O - Database access with User ID.

7. Position = N - Compression is deactivated.

7. Position = R - Compression is activated.

8. Position = Type of SQL Syntax; N - MS SQL Server.

8. Position = Type of SQL Syntax; O - Oracle.

8. Position = Type of SQL Syntax; D - DB2.

8. Position = Type of SQL Syntax; P - PostgreSQL.

<odbc-string> contains standard and vendor related keywords and values

DSN - Alias name of the database connection.

UID - User ID for database access. Note that this parameter is case sensitive.

PWD - Password for database access.

For Microsoft SQL Server only: Connection String can be extended with MARS Connection setting. We strongly recommend to set Mars_Connection=Yes.

For Oracle only: Code page settings must correspond to those of the database. Either use the environment variable NLS_LANG or extend the connection string with Session Parameters like this: "SP=NLS_LANGUAGE=language,NLS_TERRITORY=area,CODESET=character set,RECONNECT=interval"


  • ODBCVAR=NNNNNNRN,DSN=UC4;UID=uc4;PWD=--1037B2E22BF022EBE2;Mars_Connection=Yes: Microsoft SQL Server with MARS
  • ODBCVAR=SNNNNNRN,DSN=UC4;UID=uc4;PWD=--1037B2E22BF022EBE2: Microsoft SQL Server without MARS
  • ODBCVAR=NNJNIORP,host=localhost port=5432 dbname=UC4 user=UC4 password=--1037B2E22BF022EBE2 connect_timeout=10 client_encoding=LATIN9: PostgreSQL

Default: ODBCVAR=NNNNNNRN,DSN=UC4;UID=uc4;PWD=--10BFDC349F38156A22;Mars_Connection=Yes


Path and file name of the Jar files in the UserInterface and Java functions library.

Default: .;.\lookandfeel.jar

max_Deadlock =

The maximum number of deadlocks per operation

Default: 100

no_Archive_Check =

Archiving check.


  • 0: Checks if data has been archived before.
  • 1: There is no such check.

Default: 0

reorg_Chunk_Size =

The number of data records of the relevant top table (such as "AH") that should be deleted per transaction including all its corresponding entries in sub-tables.


  • 50..5000:

Default: 1000

reorg_Sleep_Time =

The waiting time in milliseconds that the system should wait after each deletion transaction.


  • 0..10000:

Default: 0

all_Entities =

The setting for the scope of the unloaded data in the Transport Case.

This setting is important if the unloaded data is subsequently changed by using AE DB Change.

Activate this setting if data is unloaded from the system client by means of a Transport Case which should subsequently be loaded to other clients.


  • 0: Only object attributes that contain a value are exported.
  • 1: The utility exports all object attributes regardless of their contents.

Default: 0