Call API BS2000

Structure of the INI File

Parameter Name Description
system =

AE system name

The name can consist of a maximum of 8 characters. Allowed are the upper-case letters A to Z, numbers and "_".

System names must not contain the character "_" if you use a z/OS agent in combination with the SMF technique. By default, the job Includes convert "_" to "#". Should you intend to use "_" despite of this fact, you can bypass this situation by specifying the system name in the Event Monitor with "#".

Default: AUTOMIC

language =

The Language(s) in which the log messages are displayed.Always a pair of languages separated by comma enclosed in brackets.

if a message text is not available in the primary language the secondary language will be taken.


  • E: english
  • D: german
  • F: french

Default: (E,D)

helplib =

name of the message text library

may have different names dependent on platform rules.

Default: $UC4.UC.MSL

queue =

The specification of a particular Queue object in which the Call API script should be executed.

This parameter overrides the setting API_QUEUE in the variable UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS


timeout =

The time in seconds during which the CallAPI waits for a response from AE. If this is exceeded, the CallAPI ends with a timeout error.

If no timeout or timeout=0 is set, the default value of 60 seconds will be used. To set the timeout to the maximum possible wait time, please use timeout=9999

Default: 60

trace =



  • 0: no trace
  • 1: trace to STDOUT

Default: 0

codeTable =

Name of the CodeTable object that should be used by the CallAPI.The IBM standard code table is used if nothing is specified in this parameter.


[ USER ]
client =

Login specifications: Client


user =

Login specifications: Name of the user


dept =

Login specifications: Department of the user


pass =

Login specifications: Password (optional)

The password can be obfuscated using the UCYBCRYP utility.


[ CP_LIST ] This section is self-maintained and contains port-to-host mappings of either all available communication processes or TLS-Gateways depending on the Agent's server connection setup.

When an Agent starts using the value defined in the cp= parameter, it receives a list of all CPs available from the Automation Engine and it connects to one of them.

You can also use the CP_ENDPOINT parameter in the UC_SYSTEM_SETTINGS variable to define where to reach the CPs. In this case, the Agent receives all entries from the CP_ENDPOINT definition and stores the information in this section. The Agent can then select an available endpoint from the list the next time it starts or reconnects to the Automation Engine.

If the CP_ENDPOINT points to the location of only one load balancer, the CP sends this location to the connecting Agent. However, if the CP_ENDPOINT points to more than one load balancer, the CP sends the location of all the load balancers available to the connecting Agent. The Agent can then select an available endpoint from the list the next time it starts or reconnects to the Automation Engine.

Allowed formats:

Port number=DNS Name

Port number=TCP/IP Address