Call API Java

Structure of the INI File ucxbjxxc.ini

Parameter Name Description
system =

AE system name

The name can consist of a maximum of 8 characters. Allowed are the upper-case letters A to Z, numbers and "_".

System names must not contain the character "_" if you use a z/OS agent in combination with the SMF technique. By default, the job Includes convert "_" to "#". Should you intend to use "_" despite of this fact, you can bypass this situation by specifying the system name in the Event Monitor with "#".

Default: AUTOMIC

language =

The Language(s) in which the log messages are displayed.Always a pair of languages separated by comma enclosed in brackets.

if a message text is not available in the primary language the secondary language will be taken.


  • E: english
  • D: german
  • F: french

Default: (E,D)

timeout =

The time in seconds during which the CallAPI waits for a response from AE. If this is exceeded, the CallAPI ends with a timeout error.

If no timeout or timeout=0 is set, the default value of 60 seconds will be used. To set the timeout to the maximum possible wait time, please use timeout=9999

Default: 60

trustedCertFolder =

The path to the folder where additional trusted certificates are stored (optional). Certificates must be PEM encoded.


[ USER ]
client =

Login specifications: Client


user =

Login specifications: Name of the user


dept =

Login specifications: Department of the user


pass =

Login specifications: Password (optional)

The password can be obfuscated using the UCYBCRYP utility.


[ JCPLIST ] Contains port-to-host mappings of either all available Java communication processes or TLS-Gateways depending on the Call API server connection setup.

The Call API selects the first working entry from this list.

Allowed formats:







JCP1 =

Example host name with TLS port

Default: uc4srv01:8443